Brian Phelan’s Eagle Scout Project

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank those of you who were able to make it to Museum Village yesterday to help with my Eagle Project. We couldn’t have gotten as far as we did without you. A special thank you to Leto Lacuna whose help was invaluable. We were able to complete the section of fence to the right of the main entrance gate – because of the Halloween event taking place there, we had to finish in the afternoon to allow the concrete around the posts to set.

There will probably be about 2 or 3 more days of work to complete the removal and replacement of the center gates, posts and fence to the left of the gates, in addition to painting.

I’m hoping to be able to continue working on the project this coming weekend – Saturday and/or Sunday. However, it does depend on the carpenter, Joe Russell’s availability. He should be able to let me know later in the week. I would appreciate it if you could pencil in some time to help this weekend – I will confirm day (s) and time as soon as I can.

Thank you,


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