Eagle Scout Project (Brian Phelan)

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner, but at this point it looks like Joe Russell will not be available to work on replacing the fence tomorrow, Saturday.  There is a possibility that he may be available for a few hours on Sunday – he said he will confirm that and the time (if he’s available) tomorrow morning.  

If he’s not available, I plan to prime and paint the section of fence we already completed.  

I will send an email with details tomorrow morning as soon as I hear from Mr. Russell.

Thank you,


In the interim on Sunday at 8 am I am planning to prime and paint the section of fence that we completed last weekend.

Fundraiser & Community Service

Troop 540,

I have two announcements for those that weren’t at the meeting tonight.  The first is an opportunity for the scouts to get community service hours.  The VFW needs volunteers to help out at their breakfast being held by the VFW Ladies Aux. 8858 on Sunday, November 2nd. This will be held from 8:30am until 11:30am at St. Anastasia Church in Harriman, in the Cardinal O’Connor Room.  If you are able to make this, please email Mrs. Lamarch and let her know.  I have copied her to this email to make it easier to reply to her.

The other announcement is for the Carosel Cake Fundraiser.  I have the order sheets from Mrs. Donahue.

You can download the order forms here:

The order forms are due by  Orders are due by November 11th and will be delivered on November 25th. .  Please return them to Mrs. Donahue.  Each scout will need to sell at least three cakes or pies.  The money raised for this will go to troop related activities.  A percentage of this will also go into each scouts account.  This will be applied to the scout camping trips and other related activities that the troop does throughout the year.  If the scout doesn’t help to earn the money in the fundraisers, then the families will be charged for the activities that he participates in throughout the scout year.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

Please be prepared to hand in your tents for inspection, from this weekend’s camping trip.

We will allow for the merit badge counselors to work with their scouts on their respected merit badges for 30 minutes in the meeting.

For those adult volunteers that haven’t done the youth protection yet or have done it but haven’t handed in the paperwork, please make sure you hand that in to Maura Crown ASAP.

I’m going to get a show of hands on how many scouts are up for a scout master conference and board of review next week. I know the scouts worked hard on Friday night at Bullowa on their scout skills. We should have a couple of scouts that are ready to go.

Here are the troop’s upcoming events:

  • Anthony Linsalato’s eagle project on Sunday, 10/26, starting at 9:00am
  • Brian Phelan’s eagle project, on either Saturday or Sunday (25th or 26th)
  • Mrs. Donahue will be handing out Carosel Cakes information tomorrow
  • The American Legion will need help setting up a party on 12/14/14, from 10:00-11:00am
  • The K of C will be giving us a table at their holiday bazaar on 11/22/14 to sell our wreaths, in exchange for two wreaths.

See you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Museum Village – Anthony’s Project

Hi Everyone,

I would like to finish my project this Sunday (October 26th). The only thing left to do is to give the fence and gate another coat of paint and install a latch.

I would really appreciate it if any of you could lend a hand. I will be there (weather permitting) with paint brushes and rollers at 9:00am and plan to help Brian with his fence as soon as I am done painting mine.

Thanks again for all your help!


Family Life

To those working on the Family Life Merit Badge:

Please be prepared to do the following for tomorrow night: hand in your outline on what a family is and explain it to me. Also, tell me why families are important to society. Finally,
how do the actions of one member affect other members of the family?

See you tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Brian Phelan’s Eagle Scout Project

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank those of you who were able to make it to Museum Village yesterday to help with my Eagle Project. We couldn’t have gotten as far as we did without you. A special thank you to Leto Lacuna whose help was invaluable. We were able to complete the section of fence to the right of the main entrance gate – because of the Halloween event taking place there, we had to finish in the afternoon to allow the concrete around the posts to set.

There will probably be about 2 or 3 more days of work to complete the removal and replacement of the center gates, posts and fence to the left of the gates, in addition to painting.

I’m hoping to be able to continue working on the project this coming weekend – Saturday and/or Sunday. However, it does depend on the carpenter, Joe Russell’s availability. He should be able to let me know later in the week. I would appreciate it if you could pencil in some time to help this weekend – I will confirm day (s) and time as soon as I can.

Thank you,


Eagle Scout Project – This Sunday, October 19th at Museum Village

Hi everyone,

I know this is short notice, but I just found out that Joe Russell (a Knights of Columbus member and carpenter who volunteered to help me) will be able to help me start my project (replacing the entrance gates and fence) at Museum Village this Sunday, October 19th at 8:00am.

I would greatly appreciate it if I could have some volunteers (2 or 3 throughout the course of the day) beginning at 8:00am. Please respond as soon as possible. I know some scouts are just returning from camp that morning.

Thank you so much

Brian Phelan