Tomorrow’s Meeting

Troop 540,

We have a busy meeting tomorrow.  We have tent inspections, Carousel Cakes and wreath distribution, Scoutmaster Conference and Boards of Review.  Merit badge work will be available but may have to be shortened because of all of the events going on tomorrow night.

For those scouts that are going for their Scoutmaster Conference, please come dressed in your full Class A uniform.

I would like to give a special thanks to Jack Furmanek and Mr. Lamarch for being the only volunteers to sell wreaths the other day at The Knights of Columbus.

I’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Wreath & Carousel Cake Pick-Up

Hi Everyone.

Cathy Wasserman and I will be picking up the Carousel Cake order tomorrow at 10;00am and sorting them out at my house – hopefully before noon tomorrow.

I may have to run down to the Bronx to drop my order off since they are predicting inclement weather for Wednesday. Maura Crown has volunteered to come over to help distribute orders at 4:30pm tomorrow but an extra set of hands (or 2) would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember that each scout is responsible for selling 3 cakes/pies AND 3 wreaths. This money is used to sustain the troop and pay for things like tents and Merit Badges and lots of other things.

My cell phone number is: 845-598-2685. Call for the address.

Mrs. LaMarch will also be distributing wreaths tonight at the VFW in Harriman on River Road from 6;00-10:00pm.

Your assistance in making these fundraisers successful is absolutely necessary and appreciated.

Sue Donahue

Adult Volunteers

Troop 540 Parents,

I am writing you all tonight in the hopes that we could get some of the parents to actively commit to making sure the troop continues to thrive and sustain itself into the future.  The troop really needs 3 or 4 parents to become volunteers by taking the following roles:

  • events coordinator
  • fundraiser
  • awards chair

This troop is only as successful as the parents that help to keep it going.  We have a couple of parents that have been doing the work of 3 or 4 people for a while now.

Jill Lamarch’s son Justin became an eagle scout years ago, yet she continues to assume the role of the troop awards chair and has been instrumental as one of the troop’s fundraisers and events coordinator, along with her husband Al.

Sue Donahue has been the treasurer, fundraiser and events coordinator for years as well.  I also know that Joan Shea orchestrates the 4th of July fundraiser for the troop.  Her son Michael is about to go for his eagle board of review.

We desperately need some of the parents, especially the parents who’s child has recently joined the troop, to start taking over some of these roles from Jill, Sue, Al & Joan, so that they can catch a much needed and well deserved break.

We could really use help this Tuesday as we have a lot of things going on.  We will need parents to help with handing out the Carousel Cakes and the Christmas wreaths.
On Tuesday, please see Jill Lamarch and Sue Donahue, if you are able to help out with this.

Please talk to me on Tuesday, if you are able to volunteer and become either a fundraiser, treasurer, awards chair or an event coordinator.

Thank you all.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Wreath Sale Order Forms

The Wreaths are HERE! You can download the Wreath Order form here. Please feel free to print it out. The Picture shows you how to decorate them..

I will be bring 48 wreaths to the Holiday Boutique today for you to sell. If you would like your wreaths before Tuesday please contact myself or Mrs. Donahue. We would love to give out Wreaths before Tuesday as the Carousel Cake orders are in and also Boards of Review. Busy Night!

Thank you

Jill LaMarch
238-1921 (feel free to text me!)

Tomorrow’s Overnight

Troop 540,

We’re all set to camp at Bullowa tomorrow night.  We will meet up at 6:00pmtomorrow night and have pick up at12:00pm sharp on Saturday.

Griffin will have an itinerary for us for this weekend. As always, plan on doing some work from your scout books.  PLEASE bring your scout books.

We will be camping at the Mohawk camp site at Bullowa (see CampBullowa_Map).

Plan on eating before you get to the camp site tomorrow.  We’ll have snacks at night and the scouts will prepare breakfast for Saturday morning.  Aidan Crown is bringing the breakfast.  We will not be eating lunch on Saturday.

I’m going to get the cooking supplies and lights for tomorrow from the trailer, so we don’t have to bring the trailer.

Pick up will be at 12:00pm sharp on Sunday.

For the new scouts, here’s the camping list below:


Sleeping bag  (ZERO DEGREE RATED)
Head light with extra batteries
Extra sneakers or boots
Mess kit (plate, bowl, and cup)
Utensil kit (knife, fork, and spoon)
Winter jacket and/or sweatshirt
Winter hat
Short-sleeved shirt
Sweat suit for sleeping
Boy Scout Handbook
pencils or pens
Blue jeans or other long pants
Under Armor or thermals
Deodorant (NON-AEROSOL)
Toilet paper
Hand soap in container
Hand Warmer packets


Pillow or air pillow
Garbage bag
Liner, blanket(s), and/or space blanket
Foam sleeping pad
Folding camp chair
Wooden matches in waterproof container
Fire starters
Nylon cord for clothesline
Sunscreen and/or suntan lotion
Pocket knife – NO sheath knives Totin’ Chip card
Hiking boots or other sturdy shoes
Fishing pole
Bait & tackle

Consider clothing and outerwear made of synthetic fabrics (Polypropylene, Thermasilk, Thermax, etc.) which transport moisture and dry quickly, unlike cotton. Long thermal underwear shirts and pants are especially important items to consider made from these fabrics.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540