Mount Marcy Hike

Troop 540,

We are planning a hike up Mount Marcy in July. This hike is approximately 18 miles long, (9 miles up the mountain and 9 miles down). Two years ago, Mr. Walker and Mr. Shea did the hike with some of the older scouts. Mr. Walker may also go up and watch our gear for us while we trek up the mountain.

If you are interested in going on this trip, you will have to be able to physically hike the 18 miles in one day. We would arrive on Friday, July 10th, at a loft at the base of the mountain, hike all day Saturday and leave to go home on Sunday, July 12th. The cost for the loft, per person is $108. This includes a bed for two nights and breakfast for two days. You would have to pay for the remaining meals. There are 7 spots available for this trip. The first 7 people to hand me a check, made out to Troop 540 for $108, will go on the trip. Here’s the list of people going on the trip:

  1. Mr. Shea
  2. Mike Shea
  3. Mr. Hess
  4. Christian Hess
  5. Alex Hess



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

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