Community Service at Sacred Heart for Knights of Columbus

Troop 540,

We need some scouts to volunteer to help clean up the Knights of Columbus sponsored Corned Beef Dinner on March 8th. Scouts would be needed to clean up the event at 6:30pm. Please respond back to this email if you are able to help out with this.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Court of Honor

Troop 540,

We will be having our Court of Honor tomorrow night.  Please come dressed in your class “A” uniforms.  Again, scouts with the rank of First Class and lower are responsible for bringing in a snack.  Scouts with the rank of Star or higher are responsible for bringing in a drink.

We will have our green bar meeting at 7:00pm for the scout leaders.

Oren Wolff, please bring both flags and stands for tomorrow night’s Court of Honor.

Thanks and I’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Albany Indoor Rockgym

Troop 540, 

We’re all set for the trip tomorrow.  Here’s the link to the website for directions and additional info.  You should all come dressed in shorts, t-shirts and sweats for tomorrow.  We’ll get there around 8pm tomorrow night.  Climb the night away and check out at 8am SHARP on Saturday morning.  You should eat before you get there on Friday and have breakfast on your own when you leave on Saturday.

You should bring your sleeping bags, pillows, plenty of water and snacks.

Sam, Griffin and Brian.  Mrs. Crown said that Mr. Crown would take you guys up on Friday.  You should touch base with Mr. Crown.

I will be taking Christian, Alex, Cristofor and Ty Kohrs.

See you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Mount Marcy Hike Update 1

Troop 540,

Here’s the updated list for the Mt. Marcy trip in July (SEE BELOW). There are only three spots left. Please be prepared to hand me a check for $108 per person, made out to: Troop 540 by this coming Tuesday, if you’re planning on going.


1. Mr. Shea
2. Mike Shea
3. Mr. Hess
4. Christian Hess
5. Alex Hess
6. Mr. Ellis
7. Mack Ellis
8. Mr. Wasserman
9. Andrew Wasserman

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster,Troop 540

Mount Marcy

Troop 540,

We are planning a hike up Mount Marcy from July 10th -12th. This hike is approximately 16 miles long. Two years ago, Mr. Walker and Mr. Shea did the hike with some of the older scouts.

If you are interested in going on this trip, you will have to be able to physically hike the 16 miles in one day. There will be no turning back once we start. You would need to be able to do the entire trip. I STRONGLY urge those that are interested, to either be in really good physical shape and/or an older scout. We would arrive on Friday, July 10th, at a loft at the base of the mountain, hike all day Saturday and leave to go home on Sunday, July 12th. The cost for the loft, per person is $108.00. This includes a bed for two nights and breakfast for two days. You would have to pay for the remaining meals. There are 5 spots available for this trip. The first 5 people to hand me a check, made out to Troop 540 for $108.00 will go on the trip. Here’s the list of people going on the trip so far:

  1. Mr. Shea
  2. Mike Shea
  3. Mr. Hess
  4. Christian Hess
  5. Alex Hess
  6. Mr. Ellis
  7. Mack Ellis

Again, I will accept the first five scouts that hand me a check. I will NOT count a verbal reply as a commitment. You will need to hand me a check by next week. We need to book this trip ASAP.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

We will have our troop meeting tomorrow.

Green bar will start at 7pm.

We will have a Scoutmaster conference and board of review tomorrow. Please come dressed in your FULL class “A” uniforms tomorrow night.

I will be handing out the new neckerchiefs as well.

See you all tomorrow night.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540