Jack Furmanek’s Eagle Scout Project – Tomorrow, May 30, 2015 at Museum Village

Hi everyone.

Just a reminder that I’ll be doing my Eagle Scout Project tomorrow at Museum Village, 1010 State Route 17M, Monroe, beginning at 8:00am. I can sure use your help. Any amount of time that you can give tomorrow to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated.

We’ll be removing vegetation, sawing down an old fence, repairing some wood siding, and painting the exterior of the Broommaker’s Shop. If you go through the main gate of Museum Village, the shop is located on the far side of the village on the right.

Please bring some water and sunscreen, and an old hat to keep paint out of your hair. Gloves will be provided. Pizza will be served for lunch, and snacks and drinks will also be available.

We’re going to work tomorrow as long as we can, to get as much done as we can. We will also be working on Sunday as well, weather permitting. Hope you can come out and help. Parents are also welcome to help as well.

Please email me back to let me know if you are coming, so we can get an idea of how much snacks, drinks and pizza to get.

See you tomorrow.

Jack Furmanek

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