Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,
We have a meeting tomorrow at North Main.
The green bar will start at 7pm.  Sam, please be prepared to bring in your drawings for the trailer.
The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.
Merit badge counselors, please make an effort to show up to the meeting tomorrow to work on finishing the outstanding merit badges with your scouts.
Next week, we will have Steven Chanat  coming in to talk about the OA.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Albany Indoor Rock Cimbing

Troop 540,

The trip to Albany Indoor Rock Climbing is next month. We will start collecting the permission slips and a $30 check (made payable to Troop 540). We need twenty people to sign up for the trip to be able to go. This will be considered a family trip, so friends and family are invited. We will check in at 8:00pm on that Friday and check out at 8:00am on Saturday. We will most likely order pizza that night for anyone who wants to chip in.

You will need to hand in the money and completed waiver forms before you will be added to the list. The deadline to hand in the forms and money will be on Tuesday, January 26th.

This trip will be non-refundable, sorry but no excuses. Once you pay, you will be considered one of the twenty.

The trip is scheduled for Friday, February 26th.

All forms must be completed.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Message From The Scoutmaster

Troop 540,
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.  Also, congratulations again to Peter, Michael and Andrew on your recent Eagle accomplishments.
I wanted to communicate to the troop about us actively looking for a new scoutmaster, once my term is completed in September, 2016.  In keeping with the tradition of the troop, each elected scoutmaster does a two year term and then hands the title off to a new adult leader.
I can tell any adult that is possibly thinking about taking the position, that it is a very rewarding experience to be such an important part of our children’s scout career.  Certainly, I will be around to help the next scoutmaster in any way that they would need it.
So, I hope that someone in the troop will take the leap of faith and accept the role of scoutmaster, once my term is up.  Personally, some of you know this already and some may not but I am also heavily involved with the Monroe Woodbury United Soccer Club, where I am a member of the board and I’m also the head coach for two travel soccer teams.  Let’s just say that I will be looking forward to someone relieving me of some responsibilities; come September. 
If anyone is thinking about it or is definitely interested, please talk to me in the next couple of months, so that I can begin to prepare you, prior to September.
If anyone would like to talk to me about this in private, please don’t hesitate to call me on my cell at: (845) 480-4391.
Thank you all,
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540