
Troop 540,
We need some scouts to volunteer for community service hours by helping the Monroe Woodbury Rotary Club to ring the bells for The Salvation Army on Saturday, December 12th at Stop N Shop.  They need one to two scouts per shift.  
Here are the time slots available:
11am-1pm, 1-3pm & 3-5pm.
Please contact Sue Ketterer at: if you are interested in helping out.
Does anyone need more wreaths to sell.  We only have about 20 wreaths left.  Let us know if you need any more.
We are still looking for Justin Ramos’s scout book.  It was last seen on one of the tables last week at the meeting.  Please check your books to make sure that you are not in possession of Justin’s by mistake.
We also have a book that was left behind last week that doesn’t have a name on or in it.  Please check to make sure that you have your scout book.
Next Tuesday the troop meeting will be back at North Main.  We will have a Scoutmaster Conference for those scouts that qualify to rank up.
See you all next Tuesday.