Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

We have a meeting tomorrow at North Main. The green bar will start at 7:00pm. The general meeting will start at 7:30pm. For those scouts that brought tents home, please bring them back in tomorrow to be inspected.

We will also work on our scout books and scout skills for those scouts that need a couple of more requirements to rank up.

We will have our final Scoutmaster Conference two weeks from tomorrow, on Tuesday, May 31. For those that are going to Camp Ranachqua in August, it’s also time to start handing in your money for camp. The Early Bird Special is due two weeks from tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Next Week’s Meeting

Troop 540,

We are going to delay the Court of Honor until November 3rd. There was an issue with obtaining our documents from the Ranachqua staff this year. A BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Ellis and his hard work and perseverance, he was able to get our package from the camp. So, the troop needs to order all of the merit badges and rank awards. Because of this, we will delay the Court of Honor until November. We are unable to use North Main for November 3rd, so we’re looking to see if we could have access to The Knights of Columbus hall for this day. We will let everyone know as soon as we find out.

Update (10/26): It will definitely be at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

We will have our regular Green Bar and Troop Meeting this coming Tuesday at North Main (10/27/15).

Thank you,

Mr. Hess

Hello From Camp Ranachqua

Troop 540 Parents,

You’ll be happy to know that all of our scouts are doing well and deep into earning their merit badges and having a blast.  For all of the past scoutmasters, I’m sorry to say that we pretty much lost all of the camp wide games last night.  However, we did beat the counselors in a softball game today.

We are scheduled to go to the ropes coarse tonight; which is always a hit.

We haven’t had too many cases of scouts being homesick; which is a plus.

We will make sure that they all hit the showers tomorrow night, so they don’t come home too ripe for you.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call me at: (845) 480-4391.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Toop 540

Summer Camp

Troop 540,

We’re all set for Ranachqua! Here is a link with a checklist for what you should bring to camp:

PLEASE DO NOT BRING PHONES to the camp. If there are any issues that may develop during the week, I will be sure to contact the parents.

You should all arrive at camp by 12:00pm tomorrow. One thing that is not on this list is mosquito netting. You should pick that up as they really help cut down on bug bites.

For those scouts that didn’t make it to the pre-camp meeting, please make sure your medical forms (two copies) are filled out COMPLETELY, along with a copy of your parents medical id card, have you merit badge schedules ready to hand in tomorrow.

Here is a link with directions in a PDF file:

Finally, make sure you all bring your class A uniforms. They will be taking pictures of the troop in the middle of the week.

See you all tomorrow at camp.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Medical Forms to Ranachqua

Troop 540,

The following families will need to bring their medical forms will them to Ranachqua. The forms must be COMPLETELY filled out by the parents and their physicians. Ranachqua is very strict about the medical forms. If they are not completely filled out, they will send your child home. No excuses will be accepted.

These families need to bring the completed forms with them to camp:

  • Hoyt
  • Mallon
  • Furmanek
  • Buckley
  • Hamilton
  • Duarte

Also, If you didn’t hand in the merit badge schedules, please review the merit badge schedules and be prepared to hand in your personal merit badge schedule to me on the first day of camp.


Jon Hess
Troop 540

Scout Summer Camp Meeting

Troop 540,

It’s time to start thinking about summer camp. Before you know it, we’ll be heading up to Ranachqua.

We will plan on getting together for our pre-camp meeting in the front of The Knights of Columbus (unconfirmed) on July 14th at 7:00pm. Each scout going to camp should be ready to hand in your completed medical form and select 4-5 merit badges. Download the files for the merit badge schedule, the merit badge prerequisites and fees and the medical form.

You will not be allowed to go to camp without handing in these forms and selecting your merit badges. Please look at the merit badge schedule and be prepared to hand in your merit badge schedule and merit badges.

Also, Mr. Shea and I will be staying at the camp the entire week. We could also take one or two more parents per night, throughout the week. If any of the other parents want to come and stay for a night or two, please respond back to “all” and let us know when you want to come up. Again, we could have one or two more parents per night and I will keep a schedule as I hear back from you all.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Summer Camp

Its time to get ready for summer camp. We will again be at Camp Ranachqua at Ten Mile River. We will be there on August 2-8, 2015.

We need a $25.00 deposit by next week. Email me if you will not be at next weeks meeting and we can make arrangements.

Cost is $375.00 if paid by May 26. You are welcome to make two installments of $187.50. Cost will go up, to $405.00, if paid after May 26.

Please make check out to Troop 540.

Please download the 2015 Summer Camp Medical Form and fill out all the information. As usually we will meet over the summer to collect all completed paper work and share summer camp information (especially for our newer scouts).


Maura Crown

Troop Updates

Troop 540,

Here are the things that we discussed tonight, for those that wern’t there or left early and didn’t catch what was said in closing.

Friday, 11/21/14 at 6:00pm, camping at the Mohawk campsite at Bullowa.  There are about 10 scouts and 2 leaders going on the trip.  Make sure you have your “0” degree bags and dress in layers.  Bring a hat and gloves as well.

Saturday, 11/22/14, pick up at 12:00pm sharp. Aidan Crown has volunteered to get breakfast for this trip.  We are leaving early because of the cold conditions.

Saturday, 11/22/14, Wreaths sales from 12:00-5:00pm at The Knights of Columbus at their Christmas Bazaar.  We will need volunteers to sell the wreaths

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, work on merit badges

Tuesday, 12/2/14, Tree lighting at The Knights of Columbus at 7:30pm.  This will be our troop meeting.  No merit badge work this night

Tuesday, 12/9/14 Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm at North Main

Tuesday, 12/9/14Webelos Night at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, No merit badge work this night

Sunday, 12/14/14, We need volunteers to help set up a party at the Lakeside Firehouse, from10:00-11:00am

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Green Bar Meeting at North Main from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Holiday Party at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, we will work on merit badges and do a fun patrol activity and close with a party.

Friday, 12/19/14 to Sunday, 12/21/14, Camping in the Paden cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 1/23/15 to Sunday, 1/25/15, camping in the Winter cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 2/20/15 to Saturday, 2/21/15, Albany Indoor Rock Climbing

The following scouts owe money to the troop:

Donovan, James = $35
Estrella, Andre = $7
Hamilton, Cody = $10
Hess, Alex = $25
Nowosielski, William = $11
Ramos, Justin = $1
Scully, Sean = $5
Struhar, John = $10
Walker, Pete = $5
Wolff, Adi = $4
Wolff, Oren = $4

This money was from scout activities that were charged to your account for various things like overnights.  You will receive funds back into your accounts from the Carousel Cakes and wreath sales.  However, this is what is owed to the troop currently.  The more cakes, pies and wreaths you sell, the more money goes into your account.  If you don’t sell the wreaths, you will owe $25 to the troop.

Mr. Pakula wanted me to mention to you all to start thinking about summer scout camp at Ranaqua.  Before you know it, August will be right around the corner.  Also, if any family feels that they would be unable to pay for scout camp (approx $350), please come to me in private or to Mr. Pakula or Mr.Campanella.  The troop’s message is that no scout should be turned down for scout camp.  There would be assistance available for the trip, if needed.

My final message of the night is directed to the scouts that left the meeting early tonight and didn’t check in with me.  I realize some of you had homework but the meeting is from 7:30-9:00pm, not 8:30 or 8:45.  If I’m there and I decided to just leave the meeting early and not tell anybody, what kind of example would I be setting for the troop?  Even worse, if everybody had that mindset, what kind of troop would we be?  Please be more considerate, not only to myself and the other leaders, but to your fellow scouts. Thank you.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Schunnemunk Hike

Good Evening Troop 540.

Just a reminder that we’re going to hike through the Schunnemunk trails this Sunday (July 20th). The total distance of the hike is around 6 miles.

We will be meeting at 8:20am in front of the Dunkin Donuts in Monroe. We will leave the parking lot promptly at 8:30am. Mr. Shea has the map of all of the trails. Please bring plenty of water (at least 2 liters), a sandwich and a snack. Hopefully we’ll see most of you this Sunday.

For those that still need to sign up for Ranachqua (Summer Camp), please email Mrs. Donahue.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to call me on my cell phone at (845) 480-4391. Thanks

Jon Hess