Camp Alpine camping – 9/23 – 9/25


Please be prepared at tomorrow night’s meeting to RSVP to Camp Alpine camping. As usual, we are considering a two-night tent campout. Meal assignments to be handed out tomorrow night, Tuesday, 9/20. Camp Alpine shooting ranges and climbing wall are expected to be open.

Camp Alpine is conveniently located 45 min. away, just off the Palisades Interstate Parkway (just over the NJ border).

Mrs. Crown will be collecting dues for this year. Please bring your checkbook.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Camping Trip

Troop 540,

We’re all set for the camping trip this weekend. I will send the exact location for our campsite tonight. Plan on meeting at 6:00pm on Friday. Please eat dinner beforehand. We will head out at 7:45am SHARP on Sunday Morning. I will be coming into camp a little late, as Alex has a track meet that night. I know Ron Buckley will be coming on the trip. Are there any other adults that could make the trip?

Here are the food assignments for the weekend:

Please bring enough food and drinks for 15 people.

Breakfast Saturday: Tyler

Lunch Saturday: Andre – Cheeseburgers

Dinner Saturday: Aidan Crown

Breakfast Sunday: Alex – Muffins, OJ

I have requested the climbing wall and the BB shooting range. There are no guarantees that we will get either of them but if we do, they charge money per scout for the events. I would send your son to camp with about $15.00 in order to pay for these events; if we get in. They also require that you have your BSA Medical Form 2016 filled out (just for climbing and the shooting; not for the camping trip itself). You should still have your forms from the Camporee or Ranachqua. These forms would still count, if not, you will need these forms for summer camp as well. I have attached the medical form file to this email.

If you weren’t at the meeting tonight and you would like to go on the trip, please let me know ASAP so that we can add you on the roster that I have to hand in on Friday night.

Look for an email from me tonight with the directions and details on where the campsite is.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540