Community Service Opportunity

Troop 540,

Mrs. Estrella has asked if any of the scouts could help out and do some community service for Sacred Heart Church. 

Here are the details below:

Sacred Heart Church has a “stuff the bus”organizing/segregating canned/packaged food donations from SH parishioners.  Father Tom mentioned that they would like to run this “event” next weekend (November 1st & 2nd).  This past weekend, kids from Sacred Heart School as well as girls scouts from Sacred Heart (including Andre’s sister, Sofia was part of this organization) were helping to organize the donations.

They would need help15 minutes before and aftermass on Satmass at5:30pm and Sundaymasses at 8 am, 10 am, 12 noon and 6 pm.
Please respond back to this email and let me know if anyone could help out with this.  It would be nice to get some scouts involved with this.  Especially since the church lets us keep the troop trailer on their lot.  

Thank you.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Fundraiser & Community Service

Troop 540,

I have two announcements for those that weren’t at the meeting tonight.  The first is an opportunity for the scouts to get community service hours.  The VFW needs volunteers to help out at their breakfast being held by the VFW Ladies Aux. 8858 on Sunday, November 2nd. This will be held from 8:30am until 11:30am at St. Anastasia Church in Harriman, in the Cardinal O’Connor Room.  If you are able to make this, please email Mrs. Lamarch and let her know.  I have copied her to this email to make it easier to reply to her.

The other announcement is for the Carosel Cake Fundraiser.  I have the order sheets from Mrs. Donahue.

You can download the order forms here:

The order forms are due by  Orders are due by November 11th and will be delivered on November 25th. .  Please return them to Mrs. Donahue.  Each scout will need to sell at least three cakes or pies.  The money raised for this will go to troop related activities.  A percentage of this will also go into each scouts account.  This will be applied to the scout camping trips and other related activities that the troop does throughout the year.  If the scout doesn’t help to earn the money in the fundraisers, then the families will be charged for the activities that he participates in throughout the scout year.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Announcements

Troop 540,

I have a couple of announcements regarding future events.

Saturday, September 20th, from 5-9pm between Lake St. and Millponds, the town of Monroe is asking for the scouts to help sell water bottles for their, “Dancing in The Streets” event.

Sunday, October 5th, from 8:30-4:30pm at Manza’s Farm, there will be a fundraiser for Anthony Linsalato’s eagle project. We will be expected to park cars and will earn 50% of parking sales towards his fundraiser. More details to follow. He will need as many scouts as he can (at least 6 scouts per time slot). According to Mrs. Donahue, this is a fundraiser that the troop can take advantage of for future eagle projects as well.

Tuesday, September 23rd, from 7:00-7:30pm, we’ll have our Green Bar Meeting at the snack bar at Museum Village, NOT in North Main.

Tuesday, September 23rd, from 7:30-9:00pm, we’ll have the troop meeting at the snack bar at Museum Village, NOT in North Main. Again, it’s advancement night, so those that are up for rank advancement need to come fully dressed for the scoutmaster conference and board of review.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Camp Wabenaki

Troop 540,

Mr. Nebrasky has confirmed our camp outing at Camp Wabanaki from Friday, September 26th until Sunday morning, September 28th. Any adult leader or parent that is able to attend this trip, please let me know by next Tuesday’s meeting. Also, I will need a volunteer to bring the troop trailer to and from the campsite. Thank you to Mr. Nebrasky for arranging this trip.

We have been asked by the camp to do some community service while we are there. Very easy work, moving some plywood from one location to another.

Scout leaders, be prepared to discuss and plan this trip at our first Green Bar meeting on Tuesday.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Community Service

All: There will be community service at Museum Village this Saturday and Sunday. I would like to have 2 shifts


  • 9:30a-1:00p – Chris W, Peter W, Mr.Walker
  • 12:30-4:00p –


  • 9:30a-1:00p –
  • 12:30-4:00p –

Please send me an email with the times you can work. We will be parking cars for the Civil War reenactment


Pete Walker – Scoutmaster, Troop 540