Albany Indoor Rockgym

Troop 540, 

We’re all set for the trip tomorrow.  Here’s the link to the website for directions and additional info.  You should all come dressed in shorts, t-shirts and sweats for tomorrow.  We’ll get there around 8pm tomorrow night.  Climb the night away and check out at 8am SHARP on Saturday morning.  You should eat before you get there on Friday and have breakfast on your own when you leave on Saturday.

You should bring your sleeping bags, pillows, plenty of water and snacks.

Sam, Griffin and Brian.  Mrs. Crown said that Mr. Crown would take you guys up on Friday.  You should touch base with Mr. Crown.

I will be taking Christian, Alex, Cristofor and Ty Kohrs.

See you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540