Troop Meeting Tomorrow

We will have our green bar meeting starting at 7:00pm. We will have our general meeting starting at 7:30pm.

Tomorrow, we will have a Board of Review for those scouts that passed their Scoutmaster Conference two weeks ago. Please come dressed in your FULL class “A” uniforms.

See you all tomorrow night. Thanks.

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,
We will have our troop meeting tomorrow at North Main.  
The green bar starts at 7:00pm sharp.  I would like to finalize the trailer plans by tomorrow.  Sam please bring in the physical drawings to the meeting tomorrow so we can work off of what you have. 
The general meeting starts at 7:30pm.  I will be collecting money and permission waivers from you.  The deadline to sign up is next week (1/26/16).  I need to give the facility a head count by next week.
We may have a member from the OA come in tomorrow night to talk about this program.  I will confirm with him by tonight or tomorrow.
Merit badge counselors, please begin to finish up any outstanding merit badges, so we can start a new round for the spring.
See you all tomorrow night.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,
We have a meeting tomorrow at North Main.
The green bar will start at 7pm.  Sam, please be prepared to bring in your drawings for the trailer.
The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.
Merit badge counselors, please make an effort to show up to the meeting tomorrow to work on finishing the outstanding merit badges with your scouts.
Next week, we will have Steven Chanat  coming in to talk about the OA.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Court of Honor / Christmas Party

Troop 540,

Just a reminder, we will have our Court of Honor and Holiday Party tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 22, in the cafeteria at North Main from 7:30-9:00pm.

Scouts ranked from Scout to First Class are responsible for bringing snacks and scouts ranked from Star to Eagle are responsible for bringing drinks.

There will be no Green Bar Meeting.

See you all tomorrow night.

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Court of Honor/Holiday Party

Troop 540,
We will have our Court of Honor/Holiday party next Tuesday night in the cafeteria at North Main from 7:30-9:00pm.
Scouts ranked from Scout to First Class are responsible for bringing snacks.  Scouts ranked from Star to Eagle are responsible for bringing drinks.
There will not be a green bar meeting this night.
See you all next week.

Meeting Tonight

Troop 540,
We have a meeting at North Main tonight.  Green bar starts at 7:00pm.  Sam, if you plan on attending, please be ready to update the green bar on your drawings for the trailer.
The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.  For those scouts that finished their Scoutmaster Conference last week, we will have the Board of Review for you tonight.  Please wear your FULL Class A uniforms.  We will also be getting a head count for the camping trip this weekend and handing out food assignments.
See you all tonight.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster Troop 540

Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,
We’re back at North Main tomorrow. Green bar starts at 7:00pm. General meeting starts at 7:30pm.
We will be having a Scoutmaster Conference tomorrow night.  If you are up for rank, please come dressed in your FULL Class A uniform.
See you all tomorrow night.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Court of Honor

Troop 540,

Next week is the Court of Honor. We will meet at The Knight’s of Columbus Hall at 7:30pm.

  • Scouts with a rank of scout to Second Class are expected to bring in a snacks
  • Scouts with a rank of 1st Class to Eagle are expected to bring in drinks


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

PS – there will not be a Green Bar Meeting that night.

Meeting Tomorrow

 Troop 540,
Tomorrow night is the Scoutmaster conference.  For those scouts that are ready, please come dressed in your full class “A” uniforms.  Again, I will not accept anything less.
The green bar meeting will start at 7:00pm sharp.
The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.
We will be discussing the upcoming Camporee and handing out food assignments.  I haven’t received a packet yet but please plan on having your medical release forms ready to hand in for the camporee.  If you don’t have the forms, you will need to completely fill them out again.  I’m pretty sure that they will not allow you to attend the event without them.  I have attached the form to this email.
Merit badge counselors, if you haven’t started yet, please contact your scouts and begin the merit badges.
I’ll see you all tomorrow night.