Applebee’s Fundraiser and other Fall 2016 events

Troop 540,

Regarding the Appleby’s Fundraiser:

  • Please download the Applebee’s flyer and Applebee’s tickets
  • Please plan to sell at least (4) tickets per Scout
  • Please bring any money from tickets already sold to our next troop meeting on Tuesday, October 18
  • Please bring any last minute ticket money to the event on Saturday, October 22
  • All scouts should be in uniform and report to Applebee’s at 7:30am (Woodbury Common) for set-up
  • The event runs from 8:00-10:00am for the general public

Separately, please note the following upcoming events for Fall 2016:

  • Wabanaki – Harriman State Park Hike – Sat. 10/29 – appx. 8am – 3pm (hike / fishing / bring bag lunch) (more details to follow)
  • Nooteeming Campout – Fri / Sat / Sun. 11/18 – 11/20 (Salt Point, NY)
  • Wreath Sales – Nov.- Dec. 2016
  • Winter Cabin Campout – TBD – Jan. 2017

We need new scouts. Keep recruiting your friends!

  • See you next Tuesday, October 18, for our next troop meeting.
    7:00pm Greenbar
    7:30pm General meeting

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Schedule – Fundraiser

Troop 540,

Just some reminders for this week,

We have our fundraiser next Monday, March 16, at Jake’s Wayback Burgers. Please print out the coupons and give them to your friends and families for tomorrow night. 15% of the sales will go back to the troop.

Also, Andrew Wasserman is having his eagle project fundraiser. Please make sure to sell some Carousel Cakes (use this form) for him and turn in the money by Tuesday, March 17th.

I will see you all this Tuesday. Green bar starts at 7:00pm. The general meeting starts at 7:30pm. We will be camping at Nooteeming this coming weekend. Mr. Hickey, Mr. Doering and Mr. Verdini are all volunteering their time to come up and run the rifle range for the troop. They will meet us up at the range at Nooteeming on Saturday morning. On Tuesday, we will practice setting up tents and assign meals to the younger scouts. We will be camping at the Oneida platform campsite adjacent to the rifle range. Bring your snow shovels, just in case we have to shovel off the platforms. I have attached a map which also includes the address of the campsite. We should plan on getting to the site by 6pm on Friday and have a 7:30am pick up on Sunday.

Please let me know which dads plan on staying with us for this trip. I need to leave early on Sunday and I need some parents to stick around and make sure that everyone gets picked up on.

I can bring the trailer up to camp on Friday. Can I get a volunteer to bring it back on Sunday?

I’ll see you all tomorrow night at Jake’s.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540