July 2nd Fundraiser

Troop 540,

Who is available (scouts & parents) to help out with the July 2nd fundraiser at the lakes in Monroe for the fireworks display? This is on a Saturday.

We usually run two-hour shifts. It would be nice to see some of the other parents at this event as it can’t always be the same group doing all of the work. Please consider helping out this year.

The proceeds go to funding all of the troop activities for the year and we could really use the help.

Please get back to me by next week on whether on not you could help out.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Brandon’s Eagle Project

Hi all!

I’m going to be starting my Eagle Project for the Veterans Memorial in Harriman this upcoming weekend, Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22, between 9:30 and 10:00am.

I’m looking for scouts to volunteer their time to help me, so please contact me with a yay or nay so I have a good idea of how many scouts plan on helping out.

If possible please bring a shovel and work gloves.

Thank you!

Brandon Linsalato

9/11 Memorial

Troop 540,

We have been asked by the Monroe Police Department to help out with the 9/11 Memorial service that takes place at the 9/11 Memorial by the lakes. We would need to show up at 6:30pm on Friday, September 11th to help hand out candles, light the candles, present colors, recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag and help to clean up after the service.

Please let me know if you are available to volunteer for this.

Thank you.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Andrew’s Eagle Project – Saturday , June 6th

Hi everyone.

As you all know I will be starting my Eagle Project this weekend. It will be at the American Legion Post 488 on Lakes Road.

Wear old clothes if you plan on coming. I will be starting at 8:00am and leaving by 4:00pm because they have the hall rented out at 5:00pm. If you want to bring paint brushes and rollers you can, we will be staining the exterior of the sun room. If anyone has an extension ladder to bring that would be great.

Hope to see you guys there, what ever time you can make it even if 1 hour would be a great help. Thanks!


Jack Furmanek’s Eagle Scout Project – Tomorrow, May 30, 2015 at Museum Village

Hi everyone.

Just a reminder that I’ll be doing my Eagle Scout Project tomorrow at Museum Village, 1010 State Route 17M, Monroe, beginning at 8:00am. I can sure use your help. Any amount of time that you can give tomorrow to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated.

We’ll be removing vegetation, sawing down an old fence, repairing some wood siding, and painting the exterior of the Broommaker’s Shop. If you go through the main gate of Museum Village, the shop is located on the far side of the village on the right.

Please bring some water and sunscreen, and an old hat to keep paint out of your hair. Gloves will be provided. Pizza will be served for lunch, and snacks and drinks will also be available.

We’re going to work tomorrow as long as we can, to get as much done as we can. We will also be working on Sunday as well, weather permitting. Hope you can come out and help. Parents are also welcome to help as well.

Please email me back to let me know if you are coming, so we can get an idea of how much snacks, drinks and pizza to get.

See you tomorrow.

Jack Furmanek

Upcoming Events

Troop 540,

Here are the upcoming events for the remainder of the scout year:

Monday, May 25th: Memorial Day Parade  –   We will meet in the St. Anastasia Church Parking lot at 10:00am for the church service and then join in the parade to the center of Harriman.

Tuesday, May 26th: Trail hike led by Mr. Jim Donovan. More details to follow..     Jack Furmanek’s Eagle Scout Project fundraiser money will be due and collected this night.

Saturday & Sunday, May 30th & 31st: Jack Furmanek will do his Eagle Scout Project at Museum Village and will need help from the scouts.

Sunday, May 31st: Brandon Nebiker’s Eagle Court of Honor will be held at the Museum Village Snack Bar.

Tuesday, June 2nd: End of year BBQ/Court of honor  –  Scouts ranked from Scout to 1st Class will bring in a food dish for the BBQ and scouts ranked Star and up bring in drinks.

Sunday, June 14th: March of Dimes 5k –  They are looking for volunteers to help out at the race, which will be held around the lakes in Monroe.

Friday, June 19th to Sunday, June 21st:    Rafting trip  –  We will need the forms and checks handed in to Mrs. Donahue, no later than June 2nd.

More events to follow as well as more details on specific trips.

I’ll see you all this Monday at the parade. Thanks.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Wreath Sale Order Forms

The Wreaths are HERE! You can download the Wreath Order form here. Please feel free to print it out. The Picture shows you how to decorate them..

I will be bring 48 wreaths to the Holiday Boutique today for you to sell. If you would like your wreaths before Tuesday please contact myself or Mrs. Donahue. We would love to give out Wreaths before Tuesday as the Carousel Cake orders are in and also Boards of Review. Busy Night!

Thank you

Jill LaMarch
238-1921 (feel free to text me!)