Court of Honor – Holiday Party


Court of Honor – Tues. 12/13 – 7:29pm – N. Main Cafeteria Please check e-mail on Tues. afternoon for possible cancellation due to weather. Awards including Summer Camp will be presented. Holiday party to follow.

  • Those scouts from Tenderfoot – First Class: Please bring a SNACK to share
  • Those scouts from Star – Eagle: Please bring a DRINK to share
  • Mr. Ramos – Please bring empanadas 😉 LOL

This will be our last scout meeting of 2016. We will resume meetings in 2017 after school begins again.

Also, Wreath money is due on Tues. 12/13 to Mrs. Crown.

Yours in scouting,

Mr. Kohrs – (914) 450-8521 cell.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Knights of Columbus Tree Lighting


Tomorrow, Tues. 12/6/16 – 7:30pm: Knights of Columbus tree lighting at the K of C hall on Carpenter Place – Monroe. Light refreshments will be provided by the K of C.

There will be no N. Main meeting tomorrow.

Court of Honor is set for Tues. 12/13/16 at N. Main. This will also be our Holiday Party. More details to follow.

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Nov. / Dec. Items


  1. Tomorrow night (Tues. 11/29) we are at N. Main.
  2. Tues. 11/29 – Regular meeting – N. Main. – 7:00pm green bar / 7:29pm general meeting
  3. Sun. 12/4 – 12 noon – 4pm – Christmas in the Village – Mr. Campanella has secured a table spot for us to sell wreaths at Museum Village. Wear your Class A uniforms. Come for 1 – 2 hours.
  4. Tues. 12/6 – K of C – Tree lighting. 7:30pm K of C hall – Monroe. Community fellowship. Wear Class A uniforms. Bring your wreaths to sell to the K of C members. There will be no N. Main meeting.
  5. Tues. 12/13 – Court of honor / Holiday party – 7:30pm – N. Main Cafeteria – to award summer badges / ranks and enjoy some food / snacks afterwards. More details to come on snacks / drinks to bring. Wear Class A uniforms.
  6. Wreath money due date is 12/13. Pay earlier if you can.

If you have questions on anything, call me at (914) 450-8521 – Ken Kohrs cell.

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Court of Honor / Christmas Party

Troop 540,

Just a reminder, we will have our Court of Honor and Holiday Party tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 22, in the cafeteria at North Main from 7:30-9:00pm.

Scouts ranked from Scout to First Class are responsible for bringing snacks and scouts ranked from Star to Eagle are responsible for bringing drinks.

There will be no Green Bar Meeting.

See you all tomorrow night.

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Court of Honor/Holiday Party

Troop 540,
We will have our Court of Honor/Holiday party next Tuesday night in the cafeteria at North Main from 7:30-9:00pm.
Scouts ranked from Scout to First Class are responsible for bringing snacks.  Scouts ranked from Star to Eagle are responsible for bringing drinks.
There will not be a green bar meeting this night.
See you all next week.

Tomorrow’s Meeting

Troop 540,

Just a reminder that we will have our Webelos night/Holiday party tomorrow night at 7:30pm.  I know that we will have at least 5 Webelos from Pack 340 attending.

Again, scouts with ranks from Scout to 1st class should bring snacks and scouts with ranks of Star or higher should bring drinks.

We will do some scout skills relays from about 7:40pm until about 8pm.  Then we’ll go in the gym for dodge ball, from 8:00-8:30pm.  We’ll finish the night with our party from 8:30-9:00pm.

There will be a green bar meeting at 7:00pm.

Tomorrow night, we will be getting a count for how many people will be camping at Bullowa this weekend.  We’ll be staying in the Paden cabin.  (Christian’s favorite cabin)

See you all tomorrow.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Meeting Next Week

Troop 540,

We will have a combinedWebelos night and our holiday party next Tuesday. 

Can I get the scouts from the rank of scout through first class to bring in a snack and the scouts with a rank of star or higher to bring in a drink for next Tuesday? 

The night will go like this:  we will have scout skills relays with the Webelos.  Then we will bring them into the gym for dodgeball.  We will end by 8:30pm and have the holiday party from 8:30-9;00pm.



Jon Hess- Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Updates

Troop 540,

Here are the things that we discussed tonight, for those that wern’t there or left early and didn’t catch what was said in closing.

Friday, 11/21/14 at 6:00pm, camping at the Mohawk campsite at Bullowa.  There are about 10 scouts and 2 leaders going on the trip.  Make sure you have your “0” degree bags and dress in layers.  Bring a hat and gloves as well.

Saturday, 11/22/14, pick up at 12:00pm sharp. Aidan Crown has volunteered to get breakfast for this trip.  We are leaving early because of the cold conditions.

Saturday, 11/22/14, Wreaths sales from 12:00-5:00pm at The Knights of Columbus at their Christmas Bazaar.  We will need volunteers to sell the wreaths

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, work on merit badges

Tuesday, 12/2/14, Tree lighting at The Knights of Columbus at 7:30pm.  This will be our troop meeting.  No merit badge work this night

Tuesday, 12/9/14 Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm at North Main

Tuesday, 12/9/14Webelos Night at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, No merit badge work this night

Sunday, 12/14/14, We need volunteers to help set up a party at the Lakeside Firehouse, from10:00-11:00am

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Green Bar Meeting at North Main from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Holiday Party at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, we will work on merit badges and do a fun patrol activity and close with a party.

Friday, 12/19/14 to Sunday, 12/21/14, Camping in the Paden cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 1/23/15 to Sunday, 1/25/15, camping in the Winter cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 2/20/15 to Saturday, 2/21/15, Albany Indoor Rock Climbing

The following scouts owe money to the troop:

Donovan, James = $35
Estrella, Andre = $7
Hamilton, Cody = $10
Hess, Alex = $25
Nowosielski, William = $11
Ramos, Justin = $1
Scully, Sean = $5
Struhar, John = $10
Walker, Pete = $5
Wolff, Adi = $4
Wolff, Oren = $4

This money was from scout activities that were charged to your account for various things like overnights.  You will receive funds back into your accounts from the Carousel Cakes and wreath sales.  However, this is what is owed to the troop currently.  The more cakes, pies and wreaths you sell, the more money goes into your account.  If you don’t sell the wreaths, you will owe $25 to the troop.

Mr. Pakula wanted me to mention to you all to start thinking about summer scout camp at Ranaqua.  Before you know it, August will be right around the corner.  Also, if any family feels that they would be unable to pay for scout camp (approx $350), please come to me in private or to Mr. Pakula or Mr.Campanella.  The troop’s message is that no scout should be turned down for scout camp.  There would be assistance available for the trip, if needed.

My final message of the night is directed to the scouts that left the meeting early tonight and didn’t check in with me.  I realize some of you had homework but the meeting is from 7:30-9:00pm, not 8:30 or 8:45.  If I’m there and I decided to just leave the meeting early and not tell anybody, what kind of example would I be setting for the troop?  Even worse, if everybody had that mindset, what kind of troop would we be?  Please be more considerate, not only to myself and the other leaders, but to your fellow scouts. Thank you.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540