Camping Overnight Cancelled

Troop 540,
Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel the camping trip this weekend, due to low numbers of scouts and no other  parent having the availability to help out.  
Everyone, please mark your calendars for the next camping trip.  It will be at Bullowa in the Paden cabin (nicest cabin) from Friday, 1/29/16 to Sunday, 1/31/16.  Again, we need at least two adult leaders/volunteers present at all times for both nights.  
Thank you,
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Camporee Update

Troop 540,

Here’s the updated list for the Camporee this weekend:


  • Mr. Ramos
  • Mr. Struhar
  • Mr. Ponstingel
  • Mr. Hess (Saturday to Sunday)
  • Troop Trailer Transport:
  • Mr. Crown


  • Buckley, Joshua
  • Crown, Aidan
  • D’Amelio, Cristofor (Maybe)
  • Estrella, Andre
  • Hess, Christian
  • Hess, Alex (Saturday to Sunday)
  • Kohrs, Ty (Saturday only)
  • Lacuna, Mike (Saturday into Sunday)
  • Ponstingel, Tristen
  • Ramos, Justin
  • Struhar, John
  • Wingard, Griffin (Maybe)
  • Wolff, Adi
  • Wolff, Oren
  • Wolownik, Dennis (showing up at 8pm on Friday, staying until Sunday)


Troop 540,

We’re all set for the Camporee this weekend.  It looks like it’s going to be a blast!  I would brush up on your scout skills; especially knot tying, first aid (ankle fracture) and starting and sustaining a campfire.

You can download the informational packet on the Camporee here.

Please show up to camp between 4:30-7:00pm on Friday night.  Please eat dinner before you show up.  Also, bring your own snacks on Friday night.  We will plan to leave the campsite on Sunday morning by 8:00am sharp.  Bring your ZERO-rated sleeping bags and dress in layers.  Bring extra hand warmers.

I’ve had about four scouts cancel at the last minute.  Please understand that the troop paid a non-refundable fee for those scouts that said they were going.  I understand that things come up but we will have to charge your account for what was paid towards your trip.

For those scouts that were assigned the meals, please make sure that you plan to bring the complete meals, including drinks and condiments.

Please respond back to this email, if you are going on the trip.

So far, this is who I know is going:


  • Mr. Ramos
  • Mr. Struhar
  • Mr. Ponstingel
  • Mr. Hess (Saturday to Sunday)
  • Troop Trailer Transport:
  • Mr. Crown


  • Buckley, Joshua
  • Crown, Aidan
  • D’Amelio, Cristofor (Maybe)
  • Hess, Christian
  • Hess, Alex (Saturday to Sunday)
  • Kohrs, Ty (Saturday only)
  • Lacuna, Mike
  • Ponstingel, Tristen
  • Ramos, Justin
  • Struhar, John
  • Wingard, Griffin (Maybe)
  • Wolff, Adi
  • Wolff, Oren

Update – Camp Wabenaki

Troop 540,

Here’s what I have so far for the camping trip this weekend:

  • Mr. Crown will take the trailer to and from camp.
  • Mr. Ramos will be the second leader at camp.

Here is the list of campers so far:

  • Wolownik, Dennis
  • Hess, Alex
  • Hess, Christian
  • Crown, Aidan
  • Duarte, Sam

Please get back to me by tomorrow night, if you are going or not, so that we can plan the meals for the trip and also give this information to the leaders of Camp Wabenaki for insurance purposes. If I don’t hear back from you by tomorrow night, I will assume that you’re not going. I will not accept any last minute responses on Thursday or Friday, as we would have sent the information to the leaders of the camp and would have planned the meals already.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Meeting Updates

Troop 540,

Congratulations to all of the new scout leaders tonight. Here’s who was voted in to the following positions:

SPL – Jack Furmanek
ASPL – Griffin Winegard
Patrol Leaders – Mike Lacuna & Sam Duarte
Asst. Patrol Leaders – Sean Mallon & Aidan Crown
Junior Asst. Scoutmaster – Mike Shea
Instructor – Andrew Wasserman
Troop Guide – Liam Mallon
Librarian – Kenny Hoyt
Bugler – Adi Wolff
Scribe – David Nebrasky
Historian – Mack Ellis
Quartermaster – Alex Hess

Next week, David Nebrasky will be organizing skits for the patrol to do. Get ready to put your acting skills to the test. The committee meeting will be held next week as well.

Green Bar starts at 7:00pm for the new leaders.

Have a good week and I’ll see you all next Tuesday.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Meeting Updates

Troop 540,

Congratulations to all of the new scout leaders tonight. Here’s who was voted in to the following positions:

SPL – Jack Furmanek
ASPL – Griffin Winegard
Patrol Leaders – Mike Lacuna & Sam Duarte
Asst. Patrol Leaders – Sean Mallon & Aidan Crown
Junior Asst. Scoutmaster – Mike Shea
Instructor – Andrew Wasserman
Troop Guide – Liam Mallon
Librarian – Kenny Hoyt
Bugler – Adi Wolff
Scribe – David Nebrasky
Historian – Mack Ellis
Quartermaster – Alex Hess

Next week, David Nebrasky will be organizing skits for the patrol to do. Get ready to put your acting skills to the test. The committee meeting will be held next week as well.

Green bar starts at 7:00pm for the new leaders.

Have a good week and I’ll see you all next Tuesday.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Bullowa Trip This Weekend

Troop 540,

So far, I have confirmed two adult leaders for Friday night (Myself & Rich Crown). Rich Crown will also be able to take the trailer into the site.

On Saturday, I have Hiram Ramos as one adult leader. I still need one more adult for Saturday into Sunday. Also, Hiram, would you be able to take the trailer back home on Sunday?


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Recap of Tonight’s Meeting

Good Evening All.

I just wanted to say welcome to the new scout year. Hopefully the boys will have a lot of fun this year, learning about scout skills and leadership.

I just wanted to give you the details of tonight’s meeting and also to cover some things that we didn’t get to.

First off, I wanted to congratulate the scouts who have been elected to their new leadership positions and also those with positions of responsibility. I will be holding Green Bar meetings every Tuesday night, from 7:00-7:30pm, in the North Main Cafeteria. Those who are invited to these meetings are the following: Scoutmaster, Past Scoutmasters, Asst. Scoutmasters, Junior Asst. Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Asst.Senior Patrol Leader, The Instructor, The Troop Guide, Patrol Leaders, Asst. Patrol Leaders and the Scribe. We will be planning the scout calendar, including what we will be doing in the Troop meeting that night, as well in future meetings and other events. The positions that were elected tonight will last for six months and then we will have a new election at the end of that time period.

I also wanted to give you all the link to the Troops’ website: This is run by our Webmaster, Mark Furmanek.

Paul Nebrasky is working on securing Camp Wabanake for the weekend of September 26th – 28th. Our back up site will be Camp Bullowa in Rockland. We will know the location by next week. I will need adult, youth protection trained volunteers to help with camping. I am only able to camp out from that Friday night, until Saturday morning. I will need at least one more adult with youth protection for Friday and at least two adult volunteers with youth protection training for Saturday into Sunday. I’ll need you to let me know by next week if you’re available, so that we can lock in the dates. Again, you will need to complete the online youth protection training and fill out the volunteer form next week. I also will need a volunteer with a hitch to transport the troop trailer to and from the campsite.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who have signed up to be merit badge counselors. Again, please fill out the merit badge counselor forms and hand them in next week to either myself or Jill Lamarch. You will need to fill out an adult registration form as well. We will have them available next week. Here’s the link to the website to register and do the youth protection training (see below). When this is completed, please print out the certification form and hand this into Jill Lamarch next week. When I have all of the volunteers trained and the forms completed, we will begin to have the scouts select what merit badges they would like to work on during the scout year with you. Any adult that is already a merit badge counselor or any adult that would like to become one, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m looking for a merit badge counselor for First Aid, if anyone’s interested.

Youth Protection Link:

Maura Crown will soon be announcing when registration is due for the scouts. The amount will remain the same: $75.00.

We will have advancement night on September 23rd and the Court of Honor will be on September 30th. How many scouts are up for a rank advancement? If there is a large number of scouts, I will probably hold a scoutmaster conference next week as well. Be prepared to wear your FULL Class A uniform next week, if you’re up for rank advancement. If I don’t have a large number, then we’ll just keep it to the 23rd.

Lastly, there will be a 9/11 Memorial on Thursday, September 11th at the Millpond Pavilion, starting at 7:00pm. If you could make this, please come dressed in your Class A uniform.

Thank you all and have a good night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540