November / December – Key Dates


Tomorrow, Tuesday, 11/22: Wreaths and Carousel Cake pickup.

  • Sacred Heart Church lot near trailer, 7:30pm for wreaths. Wreaths will be sold for $15 each.
  • Carousel Cakes can be picked up anytime after 1:00pm on Tuesday at Sue Donahue’s house and no later than 9:00pm on Tuesday, 11/22. If coming in the afternoon, please contact Sue via cell phone. Otherwise, pick-up cakes after wreaths on Tuesday night. Sue Donahue’s address is 16 Tiros Ave. (Corner house – driveway is on Sunset Blvd) Highland Mills, NY 10930. Sue’s Cell Phone #: 845-598-2685
  • No North Main meeting tomorrow, Tues. 11/22.

Sat. 11/26 – 9 am – St. Anastasia Cemetery – Mike Lacuna’s Eagle Project. Dress warm, bring gloves and a drink. Wear messy clothes

Tues. 11/29 – Regular meeting – N. Main. – 7:00pm Green bar; 7:29pm general meeting

Sun. 12/4 – 12:00-4:00pm – Christmas in the Village – Mr. Campanella has secured a table spot for us to sell wreaths at Museum Village. Wear your Class A uniforms. Come for 1 – 2 hours.

Tues. 12/6 – Knights of Columbus Tree lighting. 7:30pm K of C Hall – Monroe. Community fellowship. Wear Class A uniforms. Bring your wreaths to sell to the K of C members. There will be no N. Main meeting.

Tues. 12/13 – Court of honor / Holiday party – 7:30pm – N. Main Cafeteria – to award summer badges / ranks and enjoy some food / snacks afterwards. More details to come. Wear Class A uniforms.

Tues. 12/13 – Wreath money is due date. Pay earlier if you can.

If you have questions on anything, call me at (914) 450-8521 – Ken Kohrs

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

November Items

Tues. 11/8

  • We will be at Museum Village Snack Bar on Tues. 11/8 due to Election Day.
  • We will be collecting Carousel Cake forms and payments ONLY. This is the final deadline for Carousel Cake orders.
  • We will not have a full meeting. So, the boys don’t necessarily need to come – just forms and payments.

Tues. 11/15

  • We need a final headcount for camping at Nooteeming (Dutchess County, NY).
  • We will be camping 11/18 – 11/20. We have a cabin, but will offer the boys to sleep in tents for those interested in getting nights for Camping merit badge.


  • A scout is loyal and obedient…
  • For those that have not paid Mrs. Crown for dues, please due so immediately. Dues are OVERDUE.
  • For those that have not paid by Tues. 11/15, you will not be able to camp with us or participate in other functions due to insurance reasons.
  • For those older (Eagle) scouts, if you are interested in joining as a Jr. Asst. Scoutmaster, please see Mr. Ramos / Mr. Hess / Mr. Kohrs.


  • To be distributed on Tues. 11/22 (before Thanksgiving) along with the distribution of the Carousel Cakes.

January 2017

  • Cabin Camping – Rt. 209 – Wurtsboro, NY
  • D&H Canal (Orange Cty. Park) / Camp Turrell – BSA
  • Location / Date – TBD

Yours in scouting,

Mr. Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Tonights’ Meeting 9/27

Tonight’s meeting:

Green-bar – 7:00pm
General meeting – 7:30pm

Scoutmaster conference – for all those in need. Please dress accordingly.

Please bring payment to Mrs. Crown for registration/dues (for those who have not paid).

We look to continue with Merit Badge sessions. We will also discuss upcoming trips and Cub Scout recruiting.

See you tonight.

Ken Kohrs

Merit Badge Counselors

Troop 540,

I still need to hear back from some of the adult volunteers on whether or not you are able to continue to be a merit badge counselor or sign up to be one.

Here is the updated information below:

  • Camping – OPEN
  • Citizenship in the Community – Mr. Ramos
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Mr. Wolownik
  • Citizenship in the World – OPEN
  • Coin Collecting – Mr. Pakula
  • Communications – OPEN
  • Cooking – Mrs. Estrella
  • Crime Prevention – Mr. Wasserman
  • Emergency Preparedness – Mr. Hickey
  • Gardening – Mr. Hall
  • Family Life – OPEN
  • First Aid – Mrs. Wolownik
  • Personal Fitness – Mr. Hess
  • Personal Management – Mr. Campanella
  • Plumbing – Mr. Nebrasky

Please get back to me by tomorrow before the troop meeting.

Yaron, I believe you said you would consider doing the camping merit badge. Are you able to do this merit badge?


Jon Hess

Merit Badge Counselors

Good Evening Troop 540,

I have listed the merit badge counselors from last year. Please review the list and respond back on whether or not you wish to continue to be the merit badge counselor for that particular badge or if you would like to change badges or not do any at all. Really, the last option shouldn’t be an option but I’m being nice. Also, any parents that haven’t done one yet and would like to start, please let me know and I will help you to get started.

  • Camping – OPEN
  • Citizenship in the Community – Mr. Ramos
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Mr. Wolownik
  • Citizenship in the World – OPEN
  • Coin Collecting – Mr. Pakula
  • Communications – OPEN
  • Cooking – Mrs. Estrella
  • Crime Prevention – Mr. Wasserman
  • Emergency Preparedness – Mr. Hickey
  • Gardening – Mr. Hall
  • Family Life – OPEN
  • First Aid – Mrs. Wolownik
  • Personal Fitness – Mr. Hess
  • Personal Management – Mr. Campanella
  • Plumbing – Mr. Nebrasky

Please get back to me ASAP, as we would like to get a jump on the merit badges this year.

Thanks to all that do volunteer to do this, as you all know, it is very important for the scouts and the troop.



Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

We have a meeting tomorrow at North Main. We will not have a green bar tomorrow.  The general meeting starts at 7:30pm.

We will work on our books tomorrow and finish up any outstanding merit badge requirements.

Next week will be the final scoutmaster conference/board of review for the year.

Our final meeting, Court of Honor, and end-of-the-year BBQ will be on Tuesday, June 7th at the American Legion, under the pavilion.

See you all tomorrow night.  Thanks.

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Tomorrow’s Meeting

Troop 540,

We have our meeting tomorrow night at North Main.

The green bar will start at 7:00pm

The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.

Thanks to Mr. Hall, we have a special event planned for tomorrow night. I have confirmed with him that we will have two bee keepers coming in at 7:30pm to educate us on the craft of bee keeping.

Those taking crime prevention with Mr. Wasserman should go to the meeting tomorrow as the visit to the police station has been postponed.

We’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Mr. Hall wrote:

Scouts and Scouters make sure you ask questions. That way you get the most out of them They love questions. Ask about how and why BEES dance? Do you know? How do bees clean house. What if they can’t get a big piece out of the hive? Start guessing How much does a full hive box frame weigh?

Parents How to remove a bee stinger..?. Honey is the best sugar that you can eat because it will help reduce allergies Y/N. Can you eat the honeycomb? What kind of bees are the best pollinators?
If you were the queen bee what would you look like? Is there a KING bee? How do they help us?

DAD’s What is the weed that BEES LOVE?

Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

We have a meeting tomorrow. Green Bar will start at 7:00pm.

The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.

I have been in touch with the director of Ten Mile River (Ryan Ross). He is working on our merit badge sign-up situation. He is going to talk to Mike Lennon tomorrow (Director of Ranachqua) to see what they can do to allow us to take more eagle merit badges at camp. I should have an answer back from him this week. Out of all of the scouts that I talked to, how many of you would want to change your schedules if you were allowed to take more of the eagle merit badges? Either get back to me in this email by tomorrow night or let me know at the meeting.

See you all tomorrow night.

