Troop Updates

Troop 540,

First, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU, on behalf of the troop to Mr. Hickey and Mr. Doering, who took time out of their personal schedules and braved the freezing temperatures to run the rifle range for us yesterday at Nooteeming. Without their presence, this trip would not have been possible and the boys wouldn’t have been able to shoot the rifles at the range. Also, a special thanks to Mr. Hickey for being an integral part of the preparation for the last few months for the troop’s latest Eagle Scouts and also the scouts that are pending for their board of reviews. Walt, I owe you lunch/dinner (your choice), whenever you are available.

We are entering the second half of the scout year. That means it’s time for elections and the next round of merit badges. This Tuesday, you will be voting for your next SPL and there will be a new list of leaders for the troop.

We will start to wrap up the current merit badges in the next couple of weeks. We will start the next round of merit badges in April. If you didn’t complete your current merit badge, you will need to, before you are allowed to start another one. This is part of your own personal management of your time and responsibilities. I will also be looking to the adult volunteers, to see who would like to continue with their current merit badges and who would like to do something else. Please let me know what your intentions are, going forward. Also, please update the merit badge list below with the status for the scouts below.

Some reminders:

Jake’s Fundraiser is tomorrow night. Please invite your friends and families and bring the bring your coupons to help the troop to raise money for the neckerchiefs that we purchased.

Andrew Wasserman will be collecting the Carousel Cakes order forms and money this Tuesday. Please get the checks in on Tuesday for that. Your support will help Andrew to raise money for his upcoming eagle service project.

Merit Badge Counselors, please update the list below:

Camping: Mr. Walker

Liam Mallon status pending
Sean Mallon status pending
Aedan Mallon status pending

Cit. in the Community: Mr. Ramos

Mike Lacuna status pending

Cit. in the Nation: Mr. Wolownik

Christian Hess Incomplete
Cristofor D’Amelio status pending

Cit. in the World: Mr. Struhar

Aidan Crown status pending

Cooking: Mr. Nowasielski

William Nowasielski status pending
Andre Estrella status pending

E-Prep: Mr. Ramos

David Nebrasky status pending
Justin Ramos status pending

Environmental Science: Mr. Donovan

Mack Ellis status pending
Kenny Hoyt status pending
Cody Hamilton status pending
Brandon Linsalato status pending

Family Life: Mr. Hess

Jack Furmanek Complete
Alex Hess Complete
Adi Wolff Incomplete
Jimmy Donovan Incomplete

First Aid: Mrs. Wolownik

Sam Duarte status pending
Dennis Wolownik status pending

Personal Fitness: Mr. Hess

Kenny Hoyt Incomplete

Plumbing: Mr. Nebrasky

Oren Wolff Complete

See you all Tuesday night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540