Welcome to The New Scout Year!

Troop 540,

Welcome to our new scout year!

I think we had a fun and exciting year; ending with an awesome trip to Gettysburg. Thank you again to Mr. Nebrasky for planning a very successful trip.

We are going to begin our scout year on Tuesday, September 8th at 7:30pm in the North Main cafeteria. One action item that I need to address is that a number of scouts owe money to their accounts from previous activities. Also, Ranachqua had billed scouts that took special eagle merit badges, an additional $30. We will also be collecting the registration fees for the year in the month of September. We should have an amount for you in the next couple of weeks. We will need to collect all outstanding money from the scouts in the troop by the end of the month. One important reason is because without the proper registration, a scout is not technically insured by the BSA. This means that the scout will not be allowed to participate in any scout activities, including troop meetings.

Maura Crown will have the list of what each scout owes to the troop. I will be checking with her to make sure that the accounts are paid up, before I can let a scout do any troop activities. If any scout requires financial assistance, please speak to myself or Mrs. Donahue privately and we may be able to help you.

I look forward to seeing you all on September 8th.



Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540