Meeting Tonight – Tuesday 2/21

All –

Meeting tonight – 7:29pm / Greenbar – 7:00pm

Mr. Hess will be presenting the Cyber Chip – a new requirement in the new handbooks. Please plan to attend.

Summer Camp Rates:

  • $400 + $15 for Eagle Week (register by 5/31)
  • $445 total for registration 6/1 or later
  • We will begin taking $25 deposits for Summer Camp
  • NOTE: For anyone with financial concerns, please see Mr. Ramos, Mr. Kohrs or Mr. Hess if you are in need of a partial / full scholarship

Committee Meeting: Mr. Pakula will hold the Leaders Roundtable Committee Meeting tonight.

Yours in Scouting,

Ken Kohrs – (914) 450-8521


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Camping & Recruiting

All –

Camping at Bullowa

  • Even if you didn’t previous reply, all are still welcome
  • Meet at Bullowa – Paden cabin at 10am on Saturday (tomorrow)
  • We are camping from Sat. morning to Sun. morning
  • Meals: Lunch – Ty; Dinner – Justin; Quick breakfast – Josh

Webelos Recruiting

  • Meet at Central Valley Elementary – 4:55pm – Mon. 2/13
  • Wear Class A uniform
  • Session will be 5:00-6:00pm
  • Let’s make this a good showing for our Troop


  • Camping with Troop 340 @ Berry Rd. Monroe – Sat. 3/18 – Sun. 3/19
  • Summer Camp early registration and payments due soon
  • Cyber Chip seminar – Mr. Hess to present on Tues. 2/21
  • All should have their NEW BSA Handbooks by now. Sign-offs for requirements need to be done in the NEW Book

Yours in Scouting,

Ken Kohrs
(914) 450-8521 cell.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Meeting Follow Up

All –

Our meeting TONIGHT, Tue., 2/7, is ON at N. Main.

Greenbar – 7:00pm
General meeting – 7:29pm

  • Camping this weekend at Camp Bullowa – 2/10 – 2/12
  • Camping at Berry Rd. Monroe with Troop 440 – 3/17 – 3/19 (Details to follow).
  • Summer Camp – we are making a list of those interested / early registration.

See you tonight !

Yours in Scouting,

Ken Kohrs
914-450-8521 cell.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

NO MEETING TONIGHT, 1/31 – Winter Activities

No meeting tonight. Tues. 1/31 due to MW schools being closed.

Camp Bullowa – Winter Camping

  • Please reply if interested in going winter camping in the newer Paden Cabin on Fri. 2/10 – Sun. 2/12.
  • If interested in Friday night, Saturday night or both, please indicate.

Scout Sunday – 2/5/17

  • For all those interested in participating in Scout Sunday, please join us at 9:45am for 10 am mass – Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Monroe.
  • Please wear your Class A uniform. This Sunday, Superbowl Sunday.

Summer Camp

  • If interested at this point (preliminary) in attending Summer Camp at Ten Mile River (Aug. 6 – 11, 2017), please reply.
  • More details on early registration to follow.

See you at our next meeting on Tues., 2/7.

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs
914-450-8521 cell.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Calendar Items



We are presenting to the Webelos 2 Den on Mon. 1/23 – 5pm – Central Valley Elementary (CVE) Small Cafeteria.

  • Mr. Kohrs / Mr. Hess to bring the slide show
  • Justin Ramos to bring his updated slide show
  • Mr. Ramos to bring flyers
  • Mr. Kohrs to bring give-away mini-flashlights


  • We are confirmed for Camp Bullowa – Winter Cabin Camping for Fri. 2/10 – Sun. 2/12 in the Paden cabin. If you recall, this is the “newer” cabin with the long front porch.
  • Please plan to give your RSVP at our next meeting on Tues. 1/24.

BOYS’ LIFE Magazine

  • Due to general interest levels and cost, we do not PLAN to order BOYS’ LIFE Magazine for the troop.
  • However, we will order BOYS’ LIFE for anyone interested.
  • Please respond to this e-mail if you would like your subscription to continue. If not, it will be cancelled.


  • Eagle Week – Aug. 6 – 12, 2017
  • Please be prepared to make a general commitment
  • Early registration and individual scout credits from your accounts will be discussed soon.

See you next Tuesday for our regular weekly meeting.

  • 7:00pm – greenbar
  • 7:29pm – general meeting


  • Service project – St. Anastasia Cemetery – Sat. 1/21 – 1:00-3:00pm (Ken Kohrs cell: 914-450-8521)
  • File Re-Charter – Almost complete (due 1/31/17)
  • Service project – Knights of Colubus chairs / kitchen – TBD
  • Pizzeria Uno – fundraiser TBD Spring 2017
  • Late winter camping – D&H Canal – March 2017
  • Monroe Clean Sweep – Sat. 4/22
  • Eagle Ceremony – Brandon Linsalato (TBD)

Yours in Scouting,

Ken Kohrs


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Tonights’ Meeting 9/27

Tonight’s meeting:

Green-bar – 7:00pm
General meeting – 7:30pm

Scoutmaster conference – for all those in need. Please dress accordingly.

Please bring payment to Mrs. Crown for registration/dues (for those who have not paid).

We look to continue with Merit Badge sessions. We will also discuss upcoming trips and Cub Scout recruiting.

See you tonight.

Ken Kohrs



It is September again and time to register the boys.

The cost of registration is the same as last year – $125,00. We will not be redoing paperwork. However, if anything has changed since last year please let me know. It is important that we have updated addresses, phone numbers and emergency contacts.

Also we’ve prepared an informational packet about the troop, Please read it so you can better understand how the troop runs.


Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Registration Issue Update

Troop 540,

Here is what was offered to us from camp. Hopefully this explains why Ken Kohrs and I had such a hard time this morning getting your kids their requests.

Class Schedule – Youth

Archery (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.

Art (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

This merit badge concentrates on two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting in various media, including an introduction to design applications in the fields of graphic arts and industrial design, history and design principles, and how these fields relate to fine art.

Astronomy (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

In learning about astronomy, Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to the wonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying and exploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars.

B.S.A. Lifeguard Aquatics
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 15
Seats Available: Unlimited

This is a full day/ full week commitment but scouts and leaders that complete the training will be certified Life Guards.

Bird Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Birds are among the most fascinating creatures on Earth. Many are beautifully colored. Others are accomplished singers. Many of the most important discoveries about birds and how they live have been made by amateur birders. In pursuing this hobby, a Scout might someday make a valuable contribution to our understanding of the natural world.

Camping (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 16

Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life’s other challenges, too.

Climbing (MB) – High Adventure
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: 8

Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors.

Environmental Science (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.

Fishing (MB) – Field Sports
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish.

Game Design (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Geology (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Geology is the study of Earth. It includes the study of materials that make up Earth, the processes that change it, and the history of how things happened, including human civilization, which depends on natural materials for existence.

Kayaking (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Leatherwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather’s history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.

Lifesaving (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

No Boy Scout will ignore a plea for help. However, the desire to help is of little use unless one knows how to give the proper aid. The main purpose of the Lifesaving merit badge is to prepare Scouts to assist those involved in water accidents, teaching them the basic knowledge of rescue techniques, the skills to perform them, and the judgment to know when and how to act so that they can be prepared for emergencies.

Mile Swim Aquatics
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

When the Mile Swim is attempted participants will need a Rower and Spotter to accompany them.

Painting (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

This merit badge provides an opportunity for Scouts to learn more about painting, including both the artistic and practical aspects.

Pioneering (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3, 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

Pioneering—the knowledge of ropes, knots, and splices along with the ability to build rustic structures by lashing together poles and spars—is among the oldest of Scouting’s skills. Practicing rope use and completing projects with lashings also allow Scouts to connect with past generations, ancestors who used many of these skills as they sailed the open seas and lived in America’s forests and prairies.

Project L.E.A.F. Project L.E.A.F.
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Project L.E.A.F is an experience based program for Scouts working toward the rank of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. L.E.A.F. introduces Scouts to all the areas of camp and maximizes each Scouts experience by alowing them to work with patrols of their peers under the guidance of experienced staff patrol leaders. L.E.A.F. (Learning, Exploration, Advancement, and Fun) gives young men the tools and knowledge they need in order to get excited about Scouts and understand how the program works.L.EA.F. is an all day program but Scouts will get opportunities for advancement, merit badges, and open program.

Rifle (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: Unlimited

Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.

Small-Boat Sailing (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Sailing is one of the most enjoyable pastimes on the open water. The quiet and peacefulness of the water can provide a pleasant break from everyday life. However, smooth sailing requires paying careful attention to safety.

Theater (MB) – Special Programs
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

While earning the Theater merit badge, Scouts will learn to appreciate live performances as members of the audience as well as go behind the footlights to see the view from the other side. Much more goes on in theater than ever meets the audience’s eye.

Woodcarving (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 1 (9:00AM), 2
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

As with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.

Athletics (MB) – Field Sports
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Being involved in an athletic endeavor is not only a way to have fun, but it also is one of the best ways for a person to maintain a healthy and strong body, living up to the promise each Scout makes “to keep myself physically strong.

Basketry (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount (Due at Camp): $15.00
Seats Available: Unlimited

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day’s fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.

Fish & Wildlife Management (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Wildlife management is the science and art of managing the wildlife—both animals and fish—with which we share our planet. Maintaining the proper balance and the dynamics that go with it requires humankind’s attention. We use this stewardship tool to help minimize or eradicate the possibility of extinction of any given species. We want our descendants to have the opportunity to experience the same animal diversity that we now enjoy.

Forestry (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

In working through the Forestry merit badge requirements, Scouts will explore the remarkable complexity of a forest and identify many species of trees and plants and the roles they play in a forest’s life cycle.They will also discover some of the resources forests provide to humans and come to understand that people have a very large part to play in sustaining the health of forests.

Graphic Arts (MB) – Handicraft
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Graphic arts professionals are involved in the creation of all kinds of printed communication, from business cards to books to billboards. The scope of printing communications is huge.

Leatherwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather’s history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.

Mammal Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

A mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. It may spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent, and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.

Motorboating (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 15
Seats Available: Unlimited

With the fun of operating a motor boat boat comes the responsibility for keeping that boat in first-class condition, knowing and obeying the nautical “rules of the road,” and gaining the general knowledge and skills to operate a boat safely.

Music (MB) – Media
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The history of music is rich and exciting. Through the ages, new music has been created by people who learned from tradition, then explored and innovated. All the great music has not yet been written. Today, the possibilities for creating new music are limitless.

Pulp and Paper (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 3 (10:00AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Here’s an astonishing number to digest. Each person in the United States uses about 700 pounds of paper each year. Paper is everywhere in our lives. Every year in the United States, more than 2 billion individual books, 24 billion newspapers, and 350 million magazines are published on paper.

Rifle (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: Unlimited

Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.

Wilderness Survival (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

In their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to bring the clothing and gear they need, to make good plans, and do their best to manage any risks. But now and then, something unexpected happens. When things go wrong, the skills of wilderness survival can help make everything right again.

Woodcarving (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 3 (10:00AM), 4
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

As with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.

Archery (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 4 (10:30AM), 5, 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.

Canoeing (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 4 (10:30AM), 5, 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

For several centuries, the canoe was a primary method of travel for explorers and settlers. Today, it remains an important part of the wilderness experience and an enjoyable leisure activity that teaches communication, teamwork, and physical fitness.

Climbing (MB) – High Adventure
Time Blocks: 4 (10:30AM), 5, 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors.

Fish & Wildlife Management (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 19

Wildlife management is the science and art of managing the wildlife—both animals and fish—with which we share our planet. Maintaining the proper balance and the dynamics that go with it requires humankind’s attention. We use this stewardship tool to help minimize or eradicate the possibility of extinction of any given species. We want our descendants to have the opportunity to experience the same animal diversity that we now enjoy.

Graphic Arts (MB) – Handicraft
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Graphic arts professionals are involved in the creation of all kinds of printed communication, from business cards to books to billboards. The scope of printing communications is huge.

Mammal Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 19

A mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. It may spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent, and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.

Music (MB) – Media
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

The history of music is rich and exciting. Through the ages, new music has been created by people who learned from tradition, then explored and innovated. All the great music has not yet been written. Today, the possibilities for creating new music are limitless.

Pulp and Paper (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y), Youth Trek (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Here’s an astonishing number to digest. Each person in the United States uses about 700 pounds of paper each year. Paper is everywhere in our lives. Every year in the United States, more than 2 billion individual books, 24 billion newspapers, and 350 million magazines are published on paper.

Sports (MB) – Field Sports
Time Block: 4 (10:30AM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Millions of people participate in sports every year. For some the appeal is the close friendships that come with being part of a team. Some revel in the joy of victory and lessons of defeat. For some, the personal fitness is so important that exercise becomes a daily need. And still others desire the feeling of achievement, that feeling of measurable improvement that comes with dedication to a sport.

Swimming (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 4 (10:30AM), 5, 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills

Astronomy (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

In learning about astronomy, Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to the wonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying and exploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars.

Basketry (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day’s fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.

Camping (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life’s other challenges, too.

Geocaching (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The word geocache is a combination of “geo,” which means “earth,” and “cache,” which means “a hiding place.” Geocaching describes a hiding place on planet Earth – a hiding place you can find using a GPS unit. A GPS (Global Positioning System) unit is an electronic tool that shows you where to go based on information it gets from satellites in space.

Indian Lore (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Far different from the stereotypes or common images that are portrayed on film, on television, and in many books and stories, American Indians have many different cultures, languages, religions, styles of dress, and ways of life. To learn about these different groups is to take an exciting journey of discovery in which you will meet some of America’s most fascinating peoples.

Instructional Swim- Beginners Aquatics
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts will learn swimming skills in this class and practice their endurance. The goal is to have a scout pass the Swimmer’s test by the end of the week. The class is offered every day scouts my come once or to every class.

Leatherwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather’s history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.

Personal Fitness (MB) – Field Sports
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

Personal fitness is an individual effort and desire to be the best one can be. Regardless of their current levels of personal fitness, in the twelve weeks it will take Scouts to complete the athletic requirements for this merit badge, they will be in better shape, feel better about themselves, have more energy, and gain self-confidence in their overall abilities.

Photography (MB) – GottCom
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Beyond capturing family memories, photography offers a chance to be creative. Many photographers use photography to express their creativity, using lighting, composition, depth, color, and content to make their photographs into more than snapshots. Good photographs tell us about a person, a news event, a product, a place, a scientific breakthrough, an endangered animal, or a time in history.

Plant Science (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Plant scientists use their curiosity and knowledge to develop questions about the world of plants. Then they try to answer those questions with further observations and experiments in the laboratory and in the field. To earn this merit badge, Scouts will explore three of the most important plant science specialties: agronomy, horticulture, and field botany.

Public Speaking (MB) – GottCom
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

A lot happens during the course of every person’s life and your ability to communicate your feelings and ideas is the best way to connect to the larger world. Even if you haven’t stood at a podium on the stage and find the whole idea scary, sooner or later, someone is going to ask you to get up and say a few words. If you are prepared, it won’t be scary. It can even be fun.

Reptile & Amphibian Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Boys always have been interested in snakes, turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and salamanders. Developing knowledge about these captivating creatures leads to an appreciation for all native wildlife; understanding the life cycle of a reptile or amphibian and keeping one as a pet can be a good introduction to natural history; and knowing about venomous species can help Scouts to be prepared to help in case of an emergency.

Rifle (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: Unlimited

Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.

Search & Rescue (MB) – Special Programs
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Weather (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 5 (11:00AM), 6
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Meteorology is the study of Earth’s atmosphere and its weather and the ways in which temperature, wind, and moisture act together in the environment. In addition to learning how everyday weather is predicted, Scouts can learn about extreme weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and how to stay safe.

Archery (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8, 9
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.

Basketry (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day’s fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.

Composite Materials (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Composites can be found just about everywhere: in airplanes and sports cars, golf clubs and guitars, boats and baseball bats, bathtubs and circuit boards, and even bridges. Composites make bicycles and skis lighter, kayaks and canoes stronger, houses warmer, and helmets tougher.

Environmental Science (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8, 9
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 27

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.

First Aid (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8, 9
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

First aid — caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care — is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 7 (2:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Indian Lore (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Far different from the stereotypes or common images that are portrayed on film, on television, and in many books and stories, American Indians have many different cultures, languages, religions, styles of dress, and ways of life. To learn about these different groups is to take an exciting journey of discovery in which you will meet some of America’s most fascinating peoples.

Instructional Swim- Non Swimmers Aquatics
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts will learn the basic skills of swimming in this class.The goal is to have a scout pass the Beginiers test by the end of the week. The class is offered every day scouts my come once or to every class.

Leatherwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather’s history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.

Moviemaking (MB) – GottCom
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Moviemaking includes the fundamentals of producing motion pictures, including the use of effective light, accurate focus, careful composition (or arrangement), and appropriate camera movement to tell stories. In earning the badge, Scouts will also learn to develop a story and describe other pre- and post-production processes necessary for making a quality motion picture.

Orienteering (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Orienteering, the use of map and compass to find locations and plan a journey, has been a vital skill for humans for thousands of years. Orienteering is also a recognized sport at the Olympic Games, and thousands of people participate in the sport each year in local clubs and competitions.

Personal Fitness (MB) – Field Sports
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 18

Personal fitness is an individual effort and desire to be the best one can be. Regardless of their current levels of personal fitness, in the twelve weeks it will take Scouts to complete the athletic requirements for this merit badge, they will be in better shape, feel better about themselves, have more energy, and gain self-confidence in their overall abilities.

Rowing (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y), Youth Trek (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Rowing is the use of oars as a means of propelling boats, has grown from a basic method of transportation to a competitive sport and an enjoyable method of exercising.

Shotgun Shooting (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

A shotgun is a precision instrument, designed to shoot a shot charge in a specific pattern to cover a designated area at a certain distance. Unlike a rifle, the bore of the shotgun is not rifled, so the shot emerging from the muzzle is not spinning.

Small-Boat Sailing (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Sailing is one of the most enjoyable pastimes on the open water. The quiet and peacefulness of the water can provide a pleasant break from everyday life. However, smooth sailing requires paying careful attention to safety.

Soil & Water Conservation (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Conservation isn’t just the responsibility of soil and plant scientists, hydrologists, wildlife managers, landowners, and the forest or mine owner alone. It is the duty of every person to learn more about the natural resources on which our lives depend so that we can help make sure that these resources are used intelligently and cared for properly.

Space Exploration (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Space is mysterious. We explore space for many reasons, not least because we don’t know what is out there, it is vast, and humans are full of curiosity. Each time we send explorers into space, we learn something we didn’t know before. We discover a little more of what is there.Purchase of model rocket kit from Terading Post. Cost range $15-$25

Swimming (MB) – Aquatics
Time Blocks: 7 (2:00PM), 8, 9
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 8 (2:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Basketry (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 9 (3:00PM), 10
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day’s fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.

Fish & Wildlife Management (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Wildlife management is the science and art of managing the wildlife—both animals and fish—with which we share our planet. Maintaining the proper balance and the dynamics that go with it requires humankind’s attention. We use this stewardship tool to help minimize or eradicate the possibility of extinction of any given species. We want our descendants to have the opportunity to experience the same animal diversity that we now enjoy.

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Graphic Arts (MB) – Handicraft
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Graphic arts professionals are involved in the creation of all kinds of printed communication, from business cards to books to billboards. The scope of printing communications is huge.

Leatherwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 9 (3:00PM), 10
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather’s history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.

Mammal Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

A mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. It may spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent, and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.

Music (MB) – Media
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The history of music is rich and exciting. Through the ages, new music has been created by people who learned from tradition, then explored and innovated. All the great music has not yet been written. Today, the possibilities for creating new music are limitless.

Oceanography (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 9 (3:00PM), 10
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The oceans cover more than 70 percent of our planet and are the dominant feature of Earth. Wherever you live, the oceans influence the weather, the soil, the air, and the geography of your community. To study the oceans is to study Earth itself.

Open Swim Aquatics
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 60

During this time scouts may use the aquatics facilities and have fun swimming, playing water basketball, using the water trampoline and boats.

Pulp and Paper (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 9 (3:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y), Youth Trek (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Here’s an astonishing number to digest. Each person in the United States uses about 700 pounds of paper each year. Paper is everywhere in our lives. Every year in the United States, more than 2 billion individual books, 24 billion newspapers, and 350 million magazines are published on paper.

Shotgun Shooting (MB) – Shooting Sports
Time Blocks: 9 (3:00PM), 10
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

A shotgun is a precision instrument, designed to shoot a shot charge in a specific pattern to cover a designated area at a certain distance. Unlike a rifle, the bore of the shotgun is not rifled, so the shot emerging from the muzzle is not spinning.

Woodwork (MB) – Handicraft
Time Blocks: 9 (3:00PM), 10
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Wood is an amazingly versatile, practical, yet beautiful material. A skilled craftsman can use wood to fashion just about anything. As a woodworker or carpenter, you will find no end of useful, valuable, and fun items you can make yourself, from wood.

Archery Free Shoot Shooting Sports
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Environmental Science (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 10 (3:30PM), 11, 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.

First Aid (MB) – Scoutcraft
Time Blocks: 10 (3:30PM), 11, 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 19

First aid — caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care — is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.

Fish & Wildlife Management (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Wildlife management is the science and art of managing the wildlife—both animals and fish—with which we share our planet. Maintaining the proper balance and the dynamics that go with it requires humankind’s attention. We use this stewardship tool to help minimize or eradicate the possibility of extinction of any given species. We want our descendants to have the opportunity to experience the same animal diversity that we now enjoy.

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Graphic Arts (MB) – Handicraft
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Graphic arts professionals are involved in the creation of all kinds of printed communication, from business cards to books to billboards. The scope of printing communications is huge.

Mammal Study (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

A mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. It may spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent, and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.

Music (MB) – Media
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

The history of music is rich and exciting. Through the ages, new music has been created by people who learned from tradition, then explored and innovated. All the great music has not yet been written. Today, the possibilities for creating new music are limitless.

Open Swim Aquatics
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 60

During this time scouts may use the aquatics facilities and have fun swimming, playing water basketball, using the water trampoline and boats.

Pulp and Paper (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Block: 10 (3:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y), Youth Trek (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Here’s an astonishing number to digest. Each person in the United States uses about 700 pounds of paper each year. Paper is everywhere in our lives. Every year in the United States, more than 2 billion individual books, 24 billion newspapers, and 350 million magazines are published on paper.

Archery Free Shoot Shooting Sports
Time Block: 11 (4:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Astronomy (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 11 (4:00PM), 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

In learning about astronomy, Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to the wonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying and exploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars.

Energy (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 11 (4:00PM), 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Saving, producing, and using energy wisely will be critical to America’s future. If we are to leave future generations with a world in which they can live as well or better than we have, Scouts and other potential leaders of tomorrow must begin the hard work of understanding energy and the vital role it will play in the future.

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 11 (4:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Nature (MB) – Ecology/Conservation
Time Blocks: 11 (4:00PM), 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 20

There is a very close connection between the soil, the plants, and all animal life, including people. Understanding this connection, and the impact we have upon it, is important to preserving the wilderness, as well as to our own well-being as members of the web of nature.

Open Craft Handicraft
Time Block: 11 (4:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Open Swim Aquatics
Time Block: 11 (4:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 60

During this time scouts may use the aquatics facilities and have fun swimming, playing water basketball, using the water trampoline and boats.

Rifle Range Free Shoot Shooting Sports
Time Block: 11 (4:00PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: Unlimited

Search & Rescue (MB) – Special Programs
Time Blocks: 11 (4:00PM), 12
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Archery Free Shoot Shooting Sports
Time Block: 12 (4:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Free Climb High Adventure
Time Block: 12 (4:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 13
Seats Available: Unlimited

Open Craft Handicraft
Time Block: 12 (4:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Open Swim Aquatics
Time Block: 12 (4:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Seats Available: 60

During this time scouts may use the aquatics facilities and have fun swimming, playing water basketball, using the water trampoline and boats.

Rifle Range Free Shoot Shooting Sports
Time Block: 12 (4:30PM)
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: Unlimited

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Registration Issue

Troop 540,

Mr. Kohrs and I went online at 12:00am this morning to make sure that you all got the merit badges that you requested. Unfortunately, even though The Greater New York Council advertised “Week 5” (August 7th – 12th) as “Eagle Week”, they were missing a lot of the Eagle merit badges that they normally offer during this week. The Eagle merit badges that were missing were: Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications and E-Prep.

Mr. Kohrs and I did the best job we could to select merit badges for you under those circumstances. After we were done, at 1:30am this morning, we sent a very stern email to The Greater NY Council filing our complaint. We are hoping that the registration program had a glitch and that those merit badges will be offered.

I will be sending our your merit badge schedules now. Please review them and let me know if there are any issues with the merit badges we selected.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Just know that I will be calling first thing Monday morning to see what they can do for us.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540