Message From The Scoutmaster

Troop 540,
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.  Also, congratulations again to Peter, Michael and Andrew on your recent Eagle accomplishments.
I wanted to communicate to the troop about us actively looking for a new scoutmaster, once my term is completed in September, 2016.  In keeping with the tradition of the troop, each elected scoutmaster does a two year term and then hands the title off to a new adult leader.
I can tell any adult that is possibly thinking about taking the position, that it is a very rewarding experience to be such an important part of our children’s scout career.  Certainly, I will be around to help the next scoutmaster in any way that they would need it.
So, I hope that someone in the troop will take the leap of faith and accept the role of scoutmaster, once my term is up.  Personally, some of you know this already and some may not but I am also heavily involved with the Monroe Woodbury United Soccer Club, where I am a member of the board and I’m also the head coach for two travel soccer teams.  Let’s just say that I will be looking forward to someone relieving me of some responsibilities; come September. 
If anyone is thinking about it or is definitely interested, please talk to me in the next couple of months, so that I can begin to prepare you, prior to September.
If anyone would like to talk to me about this in private, please don’t hesitate to call me on my cell at: (845) 480-4391.
Thank you all,
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop Meeting Tomorrow

Troop 540,

Just a reminder that we have a Green Bar meeting, starting at 7:00pm sharp in the North Main cafeteria. Again, all newly elected leaders (junior assistant scoutmaster, SPL, ASPL, patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, troop guide and instructor) are invited to this meeting. Also invited are the assistant scoutmasters, past scoutmasters and the scribe. During this meeting, we will plan tomorrow night’s meeting, next week’s meeting and the upcoming camping trip.

For the troop meeting, I will need a show of hands for who is up for a scoutmaster conference and a committee board of review. Please come dressed properly for tomorrow night’s meeting if you are eligible for advancement.

See you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

September Schedule

Good Morning & Happy Labor Day to Troop 540.

I have officially received the torch from Mr. Walker and have accepted the title and responsibility as Troop 540’s new Scoutmaster!

I just want to give a special THANK YOU to Mr. Walker for all of his countless hours of dedication and successful leadership of our troop. I think we would all agree that this troop is healthy and thriving as a direct result of Pete’s guidance and vision.

I would like to honor Pete and continue this tradition by being equally dedicated to the scouts. Going forward, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns.

Here’s a snapshot of what the month of September looks like:

  • Tuesday, September 9, 7:30-9:00pm at North Main Cafeteria: This will be our first meeting to kick of the scout year. We will be selecting new positions of responsibility
  • Tuesday, September 16, 7:00-7:30pm at North Main Cafeteria: Green Table – I will meet with the newly elected patrol leaders to plan the week ahead
  • Tuesday, September 16, 7:30-9:00pm at North Main Cafeteria: General meeting – I will be asking the parents to consider accepting volunteer positions in the troop
  • Tuesday, September 23, 7:00-7:30pm at North Main Cafeteria: Green Table – I will meet with the patrol leaders to plan the week ahead
  • Tuesday, September 23, 7:30-9:00pm at North Main Cafeteria: Advancement Night – Please come dressed in your official Class A uniform if you’re going for rank advancement
  • Friday, September 26 to Sunday September 28: Tentative camping trip – Dates, location and times TBD
  • Tuesday, September 30, 7:00-7:30pm at North Main Cafeteria: Green Table – I will meet with the patrol leaders to plan the week ahead
  • Tuesday, September 30, 7:30-9:00pm at North Main Cafeteria – Court of Honor

I look forward to seeing everybody next Tuesday night. Enjoy your holiday!


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540