Adult Volunteers

Troop 540 Parents,

I am writing you all tonight in the hopes that we could get some of the parents to actively commit to making sure the troop continues to thrive and sustain itself into the future.  The troop really needs 3 or 4 parents to become volunteers by taking the following roles:

  • events coordinator
  • fundraiser
  • awards chair

This troop is only as successful as the parents that help to keep it going.  We have a couple of parents that have been doing the work of 3 or 4 people for a while now.

Jill Lamarch’s son Justin became an eagle scout years ago, yet she continues to assume the role of the troop awards chair and has been instrumental as one of the troop’s fundraisers and events coordinator, along with her husband Al.

Sue Donahue has been the treasurer, fundraiser and events coordinator for years as well.  I also know that Joan Shea orchestrates the 4th of July fundraiser for the troop.  Her son Michael is about to go for his eagle board of review.

We desperately need some of the parents, especially the parents who’s child has recently joined the troop, to start taking over some of these roles from Jill, Sue, Al & Joan, so that they can catch a much needed and well deserved break.

We could really use help this Tuesday as we have a lot of things going on.  We will need parents to help with handing out the Carousel Cakes and the Christmas wreaths.
On Tuesday, please see Jill Lamarch and Sue Donahue, if you are able to help out with this.

Please talk to me on Tuesday, if you are able to volunteer and become either a fundraiser, treasurer, awards chair or an event coordinator.

Thank you all.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540