April 2017


Uno’s Fundraiser – Bring / send your family and friends to Uno’s during the whole month of April. See my earlier e-mail for coupons.

No meeting – Tues. 4/11 – Spring Break

Regular meeting – Tues. 4/18 – Bring in your $25 camp deposit. Balance due 5/16/17

Museum Village Volunteer Parking Duty – Event on 4/15 cancelled and moved to 4/29. More on this at future Tues. meetings.

Meeting AT McDonald’s – Tues. 4/25 – Fundraiser – bring your family and friends to eat and support our Troop.

Summer Camp Merit Badges – Send your wish list to this e-mail address. Mr. Hess and I spoke to most of you. Provide us any updates on your choices. We are working with Greater NYC Council to register you…

Yours in scouting,

Ken Kohrs

Hiram Ramos – Scoutmaster, Troop 540
845 248-0550

Last Call

Troop 540,
Please let me know by 8:00pm tonight if anyone would be able to help out the troop and volunteer to be a second adult for the camping trip this weekend.  You would only need to show up on Saturday around 6pm and stay until Sunday by 8:00am.
It’s important for the scouts that are looking to get two nights in a tent for the camping merit badge.  One of the requirements is to have a total of twenty nights in a tent.  The next two camping trips are going to be in cabins and they do not qualify for this requirement.
Again, please let me know by 8:00pm tonight, if anyone can cover.

Camping This Weekend

Troop 540,
We need a second adult volunteer to help out with camping this weekend.  We have two adult leaders for Friday into Saturday.  We need one more adult from Saturday into Sunday.  Please get back to me by tomorrow night if you can help out with this.  If we don’t get a volunteer to help out for Saturday into Sunday, then we’ll just stay from Friday into Saturday.  
We are going to meet at the Dan Beard Campsite at Bullowa at 6:00-6:30pm on Friday.  Please eat dinner prior to coming to the campsite.  We will set up camp Friday.  Saturday morning we will cook and eat breakfast.  We’ll go on a 5 mile hike around Bullowa.  After the hike, we’ll cook and eat lunch.  Then,  we’ll raise, lower and fold a flag, work on requirements and then cook and eat dinner.  After dinner,  the night is yours for free activity.  Sunday morning, we will break camp at head out.  Please be prepared to pick up your scouts at 8:00am SHARP on Sunday morning, as I have a soccer game to get to early Sunday morning.  The weather looks good for the weekend.  If it should change, I’d bring rain gear to be safe.
Here is a list of camping gear to bring.

Long-sleeved shirt

Long pants (fleece or wool)

Sweater (fleece or wool)

Long underwear (polypropylene)

Hiking boots or sturdy shoes

Socks (wool or synthetic)
Warm parka or jacket with hood

Stocking hat (fleece or wool)

Mittens or gloves (fleece or wool) with water-resistant shells

Wool scarf

Rain gear

Extra underwear


Hand warmers

Zero degree sleeping bag

Scout book

Pen or pencil

Deck of cards


Tooth brush/toothpaste


Mess kit 
Here is a link to the campsite map: http://www.hudsonvalleyscouting.org/openrosters/DocDownload.aspx?orgkey=2364&id=77998
I’ll see you all on Friday night. Thanks.
Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Merit Badge Counselors

Good morning all.

I want to get a head start on merit badges this year. Here is a list of merit badge counselors from last year. Please let me know if you plan to continue being a merit badge counselor and if you want to keep the existing merit badge or switch to a different one. If any of the other parents want to volunteer to be a merit badge counselor, please respond back to this email.

Here is the list below:

  • Camping – Mr. Walker
  • Citizenship in the Community – Mr. Ramos
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Mr. Wolownik
  • Citizenship in the World – Mr. Struhar
  • Coin Collecting – Mr. Pakula
  • Communications – Open
  • Cooking – Mrs. Estrella
  • Crime Prevention – Mr. Wasserman
  • Environmental Science – Mr. Donovan
  • First Aid – Mr. Wolownik
  • Personal Fitness – Mr. Hess
  • Personal Management – Mr. Campanella
  • Plumbing – Mr. Nebrasky


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Welcome Back!

Troop 540,

It’s time to start our new scout year! We will have our first meeting tomorrow night in the North Main cafeteria from 7:30-9:00pm. We will begin the meeting with new a new election for Senior Patrol Leader and assign the remaining leadership positions as well. Be prepared to vote tomorrow.

Maura Crown will be accepting new registrations from parents and also asking what type of volunteer position you would like to take. Checks can be made out to: “Troop 540”, in the amount of $125.00 per scout. We are accepting volunteer positions for the following roles: fundraising, merit badge counselor, committee member, assistant scoutmaster and court of honor set-up.

We’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Andrew’s Eagle Project – Saturday , June 6th

Hi everyone.

As you all know I will be starting my Eagle Project this weekend. It will be at the American Legion Post 488 on Lakes Road.

Wear old clothes if you plan on coming. I will be starting at 8:00am and leaving by 4:00pm because they have the hall rented out at 5:00pm. If you want to bring paint brushes and rollers you can, we will be staining the exterior of the sun room. If anyone has an extension ladder to bring that would be great.

Hope to see you guys there, what ever time you can make it even if 1 hour would be a great help. Thanks!


Jack Furmanek’s Eagle Scout Project – Tomorrow, May 30, 2015 at Museum Village

Hi everyone.

Just a reminder that I’ll be doing my Eagle Scout Project tomorrow at Museum Village, 1010 State Route 17M, Monroe, beginning at 8:00am. I can sure use your help. Any amount of time that you can give tomorrow to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated.

We’ll be removing vegetation, sawing down an old fence, repairing some wood siding, and painting the exterior of the Broommaker’s Shop. If you go through the main gate of Museum Village, the shop is located on the far side of the village on the right.

Please bring some water and sunscreen, and an old hat to keep paint out of your hair. Gloves will be provided. Pizza will be served for lunch, and snacks and drinks will also be available.

We’re going to work tomorrow as long as we can, to get as much done as we can. We will also be working on Sunday as well, weather permitting. Hope you can come out and help. Parents are also welcome to help as well.

Please email me back to let me know if you are coming, so we can get an idea of how much snacks, drinks and pizza to get.

See you tomorrow.

Jack Furmanek

Tomorrow’s Meeting

Troop 540,

We have a busy meeting tomorrow.  We have tent inspections, Carousel Cakes and wreath distribution, Scoutmaster Conference and Boards of Review.  Merit badge work will be available but may have to be shortened because of all of the events going on tomorrow night.

For those scouts that are going for their Scoutmaster Conference, please come dressed in your full Class A uniform.

I would like to give a special thanks to Jack Furmanek and Mr. Lamarch for being the only volunteers to sell wreaths the other day at The Knights of Columbus.

I’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Adult Volunteers

Troop 540 Parents,

I am writing you all tonight in the hopes that we could get some of the parents to actively commit to making sure the troop continues to thrive and sustain itself into the future.  The troop really needs 3 or 4 parents to become volunteers by taking the following roles:

  • events coordinator
  • fundraiser
  • awards chair

This troop is only as successful as the parents that help to keep it going.  We have a couple of parents that have been doing the work of 3 or 4 people for a while now.

Jill Lamarch’s son Justin became an eagle scout years ago, yet she continues to assume the role of the troop awards chair and has been instrumental as one of the troop’s fundraisers and events coordinator, along with her husband Al.

Sue Donahue has been the treasurer, fundraiser and events coordinator for years as well.  I also know that Joan Shea orchestrates the 4th of July fundraiser for the troop.  Her son Michael is about to go for his eagle board of review.

We desperately need some of the parents, especially the parents who’s child has recently joined the troop, to start taking over some of these roles from Jill, Sue, Al & Joan, so that they can catch a much needed and well deserved break.

We could really use help this Tuesday as we have a lot of things going on.  We will need parents to help with handing out the Carousel Cakes and the Christmas wreaths.
On Tuesday, please see Jill Lamarch and Sue Donahue, if you are able to help out with this.

Please talk to me on Tuesday, if you are able to volunteer and become either a fundraiser, treasurer, awards chair or an event coordinator.

Thank you all.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540