Tomorrow’s Meeting

Troop 540,

We have a busy meeting tomorrow.  We have tent inspections, Carousel Cakes and wreath distribution, Scoutmaster Conference and Boards of Review.  Merit badge work will be available but may have to be shortened because of all of the events going on tomorrow night.

For those scouts that are going for their Scoutmaster Conference, please come dressed in your full Class A uniform.

I would like to give a special thanks to Jack Furmanek and Mr. Lamarch for being the only volunteers to sell wreaths the other day at The Knights of Columbus.

I’ll see you all tomorrow night.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Wreath & Carousel Cake Pick-Up

Hi Everyone.

Cathy Wasserman and I will be picking up the Carousel Cake order tomorrow at 10;00am and sorting them out at my house – hopefully before noon tomorrow.

I may have to run down to the Bronx to drop my order off since they are predicting inclement weather for Wednesday. Maura Crown has volunteered to come over to help distribute orders at 4:30pm tomorrow but an extra set of hands (or 2) would be greatly appreciated.

Please remember that each scout is responsible for selling 3 cakes/pies AND 3 wreaths. This money is used to sustain the troop and pay for things like tents and Merit Badges and lots of other things.

My cell phone number is: 845-598-2685. Call for the address.

Mrs. LaMarch will also be distributing wreaths tonight at the VFW in Harriman on River Road from 6;00-10:00pm.

Your assistance in making these fundraisers successful is absolutely necessary and appreciated.

Sue Donahue

Wreath Sale Order Forms

The Wreaths are HERE! You can download the Wreath Order form here. Please feel free to print it out. The Picture shows you how to decorate them..

I will be bring 48 wreaths to the Holiday Boutique today for you to sell. If you would like your wreaths before Tuesday please contact myself or Mrs. Donahue. We would love to give out Wreaths before Tuesday as the Carousel Cake orders are in and also Boards of Review. Busy Night!

Thank you

Jill LaMarch
238-1921 (feel free to text me!)

Troop Updates

Troop 540,

Here are the things that we discussed tonight, for those that wern’t there or left early and didn’t catch what was said in closing.

Friday, 11/21/14 at 6:00pm, camping at the Mohawk campsite at Bullowa.  There are about 10 scouts and 2 leaders going on the trip.  Make sure you have your “0” degree bags and dress in layers.  Bring a hat and gloves as well.

Saturday, 11/22/14, pick up at 12:00pm sharp. Aidan Crown has volunteered to get breakfast for this trip.  We are leaving early because of the cold conditions.

Saturday, 11/22/14, Wreaths sales from 12:00-5:00pm at The Knights of Columbus at their Christmas Bazaar.  We will need volunteers to sell the wreaths

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 11/25/14, Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, work on merit badges

Tuesday, 12/2/14, Tree lighting at The Knights of Columbus at 7:30pm.  This will be our troop meeting.  No merit badge work this night

Tuesday, 12/9/14 Green Bar Meeting from 7:00-7:30pm at North Main

Tuesday, 12/9/14Webelos Night at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, No merit badge work this night

Sunday, 12/14/14, We need volunteers to help set up a party at the Lakeside Firehouse, from10:00-11:00am

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Green Bar Meeting at North Main from 7:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, 12/16/14, Holiday Party at North Main, from 7:30-9:00pm, we will work on merit badges and do a fun patrol activity and close with a party.

Friday, 12/19/14 to Sunday, 12/21/14, Camping in the Paden cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 1/23/15 to Sunday, 1/25/15, camping in the Winter cabin at Bullowa

Friday, 2/20/15 to Saturday, 2/21/15, Albany Indoor Rock Climbing

The following scouts owe money to the troop:

Donovan, James = $35
Estrella, Andre = $7
Hamilton, Cody = $10
Hess, Alex = $25
Nowosielski, William = $11
Ramos, Justin = $1
Scully, Sean = $5
Struhar, John = $10
Walker, Pete = $5
Wolff, Adi = $4
Wolff, Oren = $4

This money was from scout activities that were charged to your account for various things like overnights.  You will receive funds back into your accounts from the Carousel Cakes and wreath sales.  However, this is what is owed to the troop currently.  The more cakes, pies and wreaths you sell, the more money goes into your account.  If you don’t sell the wreaths, you will owe $25 to the troop.

Mr. Pakula wanted me to mention to you all to start thinking about summer scout camp at Ranaqua.  Before you know it, August will be right around the corner.  Also, if any family feels that they would be unable to pay for scout camp (approx $350), please come to me in private or to Mr. Pakula or Mr.Campanella.  The troop’s message is that no scout should be turned down for scout camp.  There would be assistance available for the trip, if needed.

My final message of the night is directed to the scouts that left the meeting early tonight and didn’t check in with me.  I realize some of you had homework but the meeting is from 7:30-9:00pm, not 8:30 or 8:45.  If I’m there and I decided to just leave the meeting early and not tell anybody, what kind of example would I be setting for the troop?  Even worse, if everybody had that mindset, what kind of troop would we be?  Please be more considerate, not only to myself and the other leaders, but to your fellow scouts. Thank you.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Carousel Cake Fundraiser/Wreaths Update

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to give you an update on the progress of our Annual Cake Sale and Wreath Campaign.

I placed our order with Carousel Cakes yesterday. The Troop sold a total of 212 pies/cakes for a profit of $837.00. Scouts will receive $2.00 for each item they sold over the required 3. This money will go into their individual accounts. The rest of the profits will go to offset Troop expenses.

Note: If you did not sell any pies/cakes, you will need to sell additional wreaths. (Please see Mr. Hess).

I will be picking up the order from Carousel Cakes on Tuesday, November 25th at 10:00am. Cathy has offered to help me as she did last year but additional help would be greatly appreciated.

Jill and I will be picking up Wreaths from Alder’s Farm on Thursday, November 20th.
Scouts will be needed to assemble them so they will be available to sell at the Holiday Boutique at the Knights of Columbus next Saturday (Nov. 22). Scouts will also be needed to handle the sales.


Sue Donahue