Troop Meeting Tomorrow Night

Good Evening Troop 540.

We will have a troop meeting tomorrow night in the North Main cafeteria. The green bar meeting will start at 7:00pm. The general meeting will start at 7:30pm.

We will be signing up for merit badges tomorrow night. I strongly encourage those scouts that have NOT finished their last merit badge, to continue to work on those until you are done. If there is a merit bade where only one scout had signed up for it, I will leave it up to the counselor to see if they will have the class with only one scout or we may ask you to pick another badge where there are more scouts that have signed up for the merit badge.

Here is a list of merit badges that are available to sign up for:

  • Camping – Mr. Walker
  • Citizenship in the Community – Mr. Ramos
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Mr. Wolownik
  • Citizenship in the World – Mr. Struhar
  • Coin Collecting – Mr. Pakula
  • Communications – Mrs. Struhar
  • Cooking – Mrs. Estrella
  • Crime Prevention – Mr. Wasserman
  • Gardening – Mr. Hall
  • First Aid – Mrs. Wolownik
  • Personal Fitness – Mr. Hess
  • Personal Management – Mr. Campanella
  • Plumbing – Mr. Nebrasky

Please fill the merit badge counselor applications out and hand it in tomorrow. If you are unable to attend the meeting tomorrow night, it’s in PDF format. Please fill it out online and email me the form and I will print it out and hand it in for you.

Click here for a link to the Merit Badge Counselor’s Application

Merit Badge Counselors will also have to take Youth Protection Training. If you haven’t done so already. Here is the link to the myscouting website. You may need to register for the first time, if you haven’t done so before. Once you’re in the site, you need to go to: “My dashboard” and look for “Youth Protection”.

I’ll see you all tomorrow night. Thanks.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Adult Volunteers For Overnights

Good Evening Troop 540 Parents.

I have just booked our monthly camping trips from now until January!

I need all of the adult volunteers and assistant scoutmasters to Troop 540 Camping Schedule and let me know who can attend and what nights or let me know if you can attend the entire trip. This way, I can coordinate who will be available. Any adult that does volunteer for the overnights will need to take the youth protection training and hand the printed certificate in to Maura Crown.

I will also need volunteers to drop off and pick up the trailer for these overnights. Please let me know who is available.

I have also included the addresses and maps for both Camp Wabanaki and Camp Bullowa.

Thank you and have a good night all.


Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540

Troop 540 Announcements

Troop 540 Parents:

We will be taking orders for Class “B” t-shirts and sweatshirts at the Court of Honor on September 30th. T-shirts are $10 and the sweatshirts will be $20. There are only adult sizes available (AS, AM, AL, AXL & AXXL). Mrs. Lacuna will be collecting the money at that meeting, if you are interested in purchasing these. Please make the checks out to: “Troop 540”

The troop needs a couple of parents to volunteer to be our fundraisers for this year. If interested, please see me at the next troop meeting.

The following parents are an active merit badge counselor or have recently volunteered to be merit badge counselors:

  • Camping – Pete Walker
  • Cooking – Matt Nowosielski
  • Citizenship of the community – Hiram Ramos
  • Citizenship of the nation – Dennis Wolownik
  • Citizenship of the world – Matt Struhar
  • Communications – Betty Nebiker
  • Emergency Preparedness – Hiram Ramos
  • Environmental Science – Jim Donovan
  • Family Life – Jon Hess
  • First Aid – Karen Wolownik
  • Personal Fitness – Jon Hess
  • Personal Management – Paul Campanella
  • Sustainability – Don Ellis
  • Plumbing – Paul Nebrasky
  • Crime prevention – Ira Wasserman

If there’s any merit badge counselors that I have overlooked or if there are any additional merit badges that some of the other parents may want to volunteer for, please let me know. Charlie, I know you are the MBC for either stamp or coin collecting. Can you give me an update, so that I can add it to the list of options for the scouts?

Can you all report back to me on whether or not you have updated/completed your youth protection training and handed in the copy to Maura Crown and also handed in your merit badge counselor application to Jill Lamarch? As soon as all of the volunteers have completed the paperwork, I will announce to the scouts that they can actively choose which merit badges they would like to work on.

Thank you to all of our troop volunteers. Without your help, the troop wouldn’t exist.

Good night all.

Jon Hess – Scoutmaster, Troop 540